Diagon alley pt 1

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"Er, sorry, what?"
"Yer a witch, an yer brothers a wizard.," He says to me.
"Er, no, sorry, you must've gotten us mixed with someone else. I'm just Harry, and she's just Lia."
"Ever make something happen when you were sad, or angry, something yeh' couldn't explain?"
-time skipity skeeeeeeepppppp-
"They won't be going!" Uncle Vernon yells.
"Like hell we're not!" I scream back at him. I turn back to Hagrid. "When do we start?" Hagrid chuckles, "You're like your mother in more than looks, Lia. We leave now. Unless you'd rather stay, of course?" I immediately grab my backpack and Harry's arm and march after the huge man.

While sitting on the subway, I read over my letter again. We need a bunch of spell books, history of magic book, and potions books. We also need a cauldron, basic potion ingredients, robes and a wand. "Can we get all of this in London?" Asks Harry. "If ye know where to look," Hagrid winks at us. After we get off the train and walk for about half an hour, we come across a grungy old bar and walk inside. "Ah, Hagrid! The usual, I presume?" And old man standing behind a counter calls out to us as we enter. "Naw, thanks Tom. I've got to be getting Harry an' Lia to Diagon Alley for their school supplies. "The Potter twins! In my pub! By Merlin, welcome back, you two!" Suddenly, we're surrounded by people, shaking hands and hearing names and being congratulated, but what for is a mystery. When a particularly stutter-y man comes up to us, we find out that he's the Hogwarts professor for defense against the dark arts. While Harry looks sorry for the terrified looking man, I look at him suspiciously. I am an excellent actor, an expert at manipulation. And I also have the gift of being able to read peoples faces. This man is not frightened, he's amused. I narrow my eyes at him as we're rushed away by Hagrid.

"Why did everyone know us, Hagrid?" Harry asks.

-by now, they know they're famous, idk how to write that scene, if someone wants to write that I'd be more than happy to put in-

I have to agree with my brother. Diagon alley is truly magnificent.
"We'll go ter' Gringotts firs', so yer can get yeh' money."
"Er, well, Hagrid," I say timidly, "we don't have any money."
Hagrid just chuckles. "A Potter, not havin' any money! Wouldn't that be a sight! Of course yehve' got money! yer' parents lef' yeh' everything they 'ad!"
Soon enough, we're standing outside the steps to a giant marble building, that, though a bit wonky, is beautiful. There's a strange inscription over the doors, and I read in out loud.
"Enter stranger, but take heed,
Of what awaits the sin of greed.
For those who take, but do not earn,
Must pay most dearly in their turn.
So if you seek beneath our floors,
A treasure that was never your,
Thief, you have been warned, beware, of finding more than treasure there."
"Yeah, yeh'd be mad ter steal from them."
We walk inside and I gasp. Everything is marble and beautiful.

-time skeeeeeepppp last one this chapter I promise-

We walk into Madam Malkins and immediately she comes up to us. "Ah, my. Hogwarts, I presume, dears?" "Er, yes." I respond awkwardly. "Um, and I actually need a bunch of other new clothes as well, I don't know about him though," I say, jabbing my thumb in Harry's direction. "I don't." He glares at me. I smirk, I know he hates shopping. We are led over to a stand for her to take our measurements. "You first, dear." Madam Malkin helps me step onto it. Just as she's walking away, leaving her magical measuring tape to do the work, I notice that there's another boy in the shop as well. "Hello!" I call. "Hogwarts, too?" He looks over at me and his eyes widen. "Yes. First year. You?" "Same. I'm Lia and this is my twin, Harry. What's your name?" "Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He raises his chin proudly. Harry snorts, stepping up onto another platform to get measured, and I glare at him. Then I turn back to Draco. "I'll be in Slytherin. My whole family has been. Do you know what house you'll be in?" "Well, I don't know much about the houses. I've heard that there are four, but- " I'm interrupted by Hagrid sticking his head through the door. "You two almost done? We'd best be moving on, now." Madam Malkin comes back, nodding. "I've got everything I need. I'll have your robes ready in an hour. And young lady, I believe you wanted something else as well? Follow me quickly." We head over to a shelf with some catalogs on them, and I choose 3 pairs of jeans, 2 shorts, 5 t-shirts, 2 jumpers, 5 leggings, 4 long sleeve shirts. I also pick out a lovely green dress. Then I quickly pay and head outside to meet up with Harry and Hagrid, calling over my shoulder to Draco as I leave, "Bye, Draco! See you soon!" He waves at me.

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Melia Potter  ~ first yearWhere stories live. Discover now