Chapter one

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Knock. Knock. Knock knock knock knock knock knock...
"Get up!" Aunt Petunia's sharp voice jolts me from my fitful sleep. "Up! Up! Get up! Now!"

I groan and roll over, right into my twin. "UP." with a final bang on our door, I hear her pointy high heels walking away. I sit up and yawn. "Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry." I poke my brother repeatedly on the arm. It always takes me a while to get him out of bed. He flings his arm over his eyes and mumbles something incoherent. I sigh, getting up without him.

I quickly dress in an old shirt of Dudley's, so big that it goes down to my knees, although I'm taller. I brush my thick, dark red hair (which takes nearly ten minutes) and braid it neatly down my back. Then I scream in Harry's ear, and watch in amusement as he jumps out of bed, hitting his head on the underside of the stairs in the process. I open the door to start breakfast. I have to duck to get through the doorway, the cupboard under the stairs is really getting too small for two nearly-eleven-year olds. I walk to the kitchen and start on Uncle Vernon's coffee.

I'm just finishing the bacon and eggs when Harry walks through the door. "Lia!" He complains.
I smirk at him. "Well, since you so generously left me to do all the cooking, you can wash up and set the table." A few minutes later, a very exited Aunt Petunia walks in with our very fat cousin waddling behind her.

"Come on, Dudykinns. Let's go open your presents!" She squeals, leading him over to the table, already ladened with enough food to feed a baby elephant. Dudley's finally squeezed himself into his chair when Uncle Vernon comes in. He sits down, and immediately he's yelling. "Where's my coffee, girl?" I'm quick to put in on the table in front of him.

Harry and I sit down and start eating.

"HOW MANY ARE THERE!?"Dudley screams. "36, counted 'em myself," "What? BUT LAST YEAR I HAD 37!!!" "Spoiled brat," I mutter under my breath.

Suddenly, the phone rings. Aunt Petunia jumps up to answer it, and comes back a few moments later, looking rather dejected. "Mrs Figg is sick. She can't take them." Aunt Petunia glares at us as if it's all our fault. A spark of hope ignites in my chest and I think through the situation. They won't leave us home alone, and Uncle Vernon won't risk leaving us in his new car... so they'll have no choice but to take us with them! I fight back a grin. They're taking Dudley and one of his pathetic little friends to the zoo this year. I recently stole a bunch of money from the Dursleys and the bullies at school, (I'm an excellent pickpocket and very sneaky) and I have about 300 dollars in total, so I'll sneak off and buy a bunch of food and books and such, for when Harry and I are locked in our cupboard for long periods of time. I'm snapped back to the present by Uncle Vernon dragging Harry and I out into the corridor and threatening to lock us in the cupboard till Christmas break or whatever if we misbehave, blah blah blah. I wasn't really listening. When Dudley's slave- *cough* sorry, 'friend' (Pierce, I think) arrives, we get in the car and drive off.

💚 and 💋💋,

Melia Potter  ~ first yearWhere stories live. Discover now