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"Slytherins, follow me! This way!" I get up and follow a tall boy with dark hair and a shorter blonde girl whom I assume are our house prefects. We walk down many flights of stairs, through hallways full of ghosts, the light getting dimmer as we go deeper underground.

Soon enough, we come to what looks like a blank wall. "Aftermath," The older boy says clearly. I blink when a door appears in the wall and the prefect pushes it open. Seeing that no one is following him, he turns back to us and says, "Well, come on then! Professor Snape is waiting for you!"

We hurry through the door, not wanting to anger who was rumored to be the strictest teacher on our first day. I grin as I get a glimpse of the Slytherin common room. It's under the lake and the domed ceiling is glass so you can see the creatures swim by. It's furnished with plush green and silver couches and arm chairs, walnut wood floors tables and carpets that you could sink your feet into. In the center of the room, there's a cozy fire burning, emitting much more light than an ordinary flame, so it lights the whole room. Draco and I exchange exited looks. It has a cozy, romantic atmosphere. I'm so bewitched by the gorgeous room where I'll be spending most of my time in that I don't notice the tall man standing by the fire until he clears his throat. I turn and study him instead. He has shoulder length black hair, pale skin and long black robes. His eyes are a deep obsidian color,  and  I can feel them boring into me.

"Hello, first years. I am professor Snape, your head of house. If you have any problems you will come to me. If I am not available then speak to your prefects. Now, because we are Slytherins, there will often be prejudice against us. You must not let this affect you. They are insignificant. I expect my Slytherins to rise above such things as petty insults. If you are going to break rules, do not get caught. If there is animosity between you, you will deal with it within the common room. We must appear united to the other houses, otherwise they will prey on our differences and make things worse than they already are. You are not to bring anyone from other houses into our common room, no matter your relationship with them. The password will be changed every week. The new password will appear on the noticeboard and be gone by dinner time. Now, off to bed. You have classes tomorrow."

With that, he swept from the room.

Hey guys! Soooooo...
What do you think? Good?
Classes next chapter!

💚 and 💋💋,

Melia Potter  ~ first yearWhere stories live. Discover now