Chapter four

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Just as I'm about to open my letter, Dudley notices. "Dad! Dad, the freaks have got letters." He snatches Harry's away from him. "Hey!" Harry cries, "that's mine!"
"Who would be writing to you?" Uncle Vernon sneers.
He looks down at the letter and his face turns white. Then red (A.N. Red and orange with hair like a troll dolls, looking like the current president in the USA). Then all the blood drains from his face and he's white again.
"P-p-petunia!" He calls, looking absolutely horrified.
"It came! It came, it's here! I WONT have two in the house, Petunia! I-I told you when they came, I won't have it!"
Aunt Petunia, too, paled. She shakily takes the letter from Uncle Vernon and holds it at arms length.
"What do we do, Vernon?" She hisses, glaring at us like this is our fault. He takes my letter too, and before I can protest, he rips them both up m
"Go to your cupboard. Dudley, go to your room," he says firmly. All three of us start protesting loudly but he shoves us out and slams the door. I sigh and walk out of the house.


Three weeks later, tons more letters have come for Harry and I, all of which have been burned by Uncle Vernon.
A few days ago, about a hundred came out of the fireplace. That's when we left. Uncle Vernon packed the whole 'family' into his company- issued car and drove off to a grungy hotel in the middle of nowhere. And then another one. Now , we're in a shack on a rock in the middle of the sea. It's so old I'm surprised it hadn't collapsed. Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia took the bedroom, set Dudley up on the couch, and left Harry and I to find the most comfortable bit of floor and settle down with the thinnest, most ragged blanket.
I look at Dudley's wrist watch.
"Harry, it's nearly midnight. Our birthday is in five minutes!"
Together, we draw a birthday cake with candles in the dust.
"Happy birthday Lia."
"Happy birthday Harry."
That's when the door collapses.

Hey, guys, this is super short and a bit rushed, I know, but I was just so eager to get to the wizarding!
Next chapter will have shopping, banking, and Slytherining. (Yes i am aware that that isn't a word)
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💚 and 💋💋,

Melia Potter  ~ first yearWhere stories live. Discover now