First Transformations

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Everest's mouth was half open in shock and surprise as he gazed down at his hands. They were lime green and almost unrecognisable as hands. They seemed to be melting, dripping into the floor.
"Dude, do you mind? You're making a mess of my carpet," Koulder smirked. Everest grinned and gave Koulder a look. His eyes widened grotesquely and became black opaline orbs. His dark face liquified like his hands. Photon suddenly realised Everest's clothes would definitely not withstand the weight of the Xerourian. He hurried over and quickly undid Everest's shirt and trousers. Everest just managed to sling them off as the rest of his body turned to green sludge. Glob stood (well, he couldn't really stand due to his lack of legs. What would've been legs was simply goop) before them. He wasn't a lot taller than Everest was, but enough to be intimidating. A crack appeared in Glob's large face. A worthy attempt at a smile. He let out a hearty laugh at the reaction of his comrades.
"Nice to see you, mate! But I want a go!" Blood laughed.
"Ditto!" agreed Ink. Koulder felt his mane of disorganised, brown hair retract. Both Koulder and Ebony's hair turned black. Both of their skins paled. Ebony's eyes darkened to indigo, while Koulder's went grey. Koulder felt himself becoming skinnier and taller. His hands elongated into what looked like pale spiders.

Ebony looked almost soulless. Her eyes were dark and somewhat wet looking. They trickled what Koulder guessed was ink, so she looked like she was crying, despite the delighted smile on her pretty, washed-out face. Her hands became tendrils of black liquid. The ecstasy in her expression was enormous.
"Chill, you only took over a human!" laughed Blood.
"I don't know whether to take that as an attack or not," muttered Everest from the large, gooey body of Glob. The groups attention suddenly averted to a grating sound, similar to the sound of metal on metal. Where Tremmor had stood was what could only be described as a snake man. Merder's body was ash coloured and bespectacled with tiny spines. Two vampire-like fangs poked over his top lip. Merder's lower body was serpentine and, in contrast to his light torso, was a deep purple. Merder's hands were spiked weapons. His left hand was an axe blade and his right was the head of a trident. Koulder's living room was now rather packed.
"Right," started Blood, "should we be trying to find these Beasts, or.."
"It would help if we knew if they existed," chipped in Ink.
"I know someone who's proper into book and that. She gave me most of these," Koulder indicated to the stacks of book around the room, "she's probably got some sort of records of you guys or something..?"
"She might well have them books Xero had. We used to inhabit Earth, see. But Xero started getting so tyrannical, not even Satan wanted him. God banished him and his people. You can't really blame him. I don't know if there's any records of the books left though."
"It's worth a try then."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2019 ⏰

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