Tracking Down Some Xerourians

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"So," Glob started when they reached Koulder's house, "I need to build a tracker, which shouldn't be difficult, but I need the parts for it. We're gonna need a preferably large screen and some mapping software, but we have the actual tracker, cause, for some reason, there was one in the pod. Now that I think of it, that's exactly something Xero would've done, to 'ensure the safety of all Xerourians'."
"Ok, well that's good, right? Just one question, what do you plan on doing when we do find these other Xerourians?" asked Ebony uncertainly. There was a moment of silence, which was broken by Blood.
"There's something we haven't told you guys. Xero was reckless. He had his supporters, but he was a tyrant. Very dangerous guy. Very powerful. His tyranny led to the destruction of our planet. He thought he could rule everywhere, and he sent many Xerourians to take over various planets. Countless innocent people died because they were too afraid to stand up against him. Xero hated, along with many other things, cowardice. So when we fled Xerour, the trackers were enabled. And we only have a very small amount of time before he gets here, finds us and kills us. Probably very brutally. And he'll kill you guys for housing us. Then he'll kill everyone on this planet. Again, very brutally. So we're searching for other Xerourians to form a kind of alliance. We're gonna die anyway, so we might as well go down fighting. You don't have to help us, but we're not gonna survive long if you don't."
The humans exchanged looks. They all thought the same thing.
"Let's take down Xero"
Koulder felt a happy warmth in his chest and he smiled.

"He does know what he's doing, doesn't he?" laughed Ebony to Koulder.
"Make your move! Now!" whispered Blood.
"Did your guy say something?"
"Could've sworn he did..."
"Did he just call you a pussy?"
"No, he didn't" replied Koulder pointedly.
"Will you put your lovers quarrel aside and have a look at the finished product?" called Glob from the forty-two inch screen that was once Koulder's television. Koulder and Ebony strode over to the screen and Ebony folded her arms.
"What am I looking at?"
"It's a map of Ghora, and the red dots are where other Xerourians are," Everest explained. He indicated to three dots located in the north west of the map, "that's us there, and it looks like the closest ones to us are in The Copperland and Kirokuro. And they're actually the only other Xerourians in Ghora.
"The closest Xerourians are at least 150 miles away?"
"It's not ideal, but if we're gonna save the planet, it works for me," said Ebony, "can anyone drive?"
"Ebony, that's kind of the point. Neither me or Ev can drive."
"Blood can drive..." suggested Ink.
"NO!" shouted all three humans in unison.
"Do you have a better idea?"
"I would rather walk 150 miles than-"
"Then walk. We'll see you in ten days."
"I don't have a car. Or money to buy one" pointed out Koulder.
"That can be easily sorted"
"I'm not stealing a car"
"I refer you to my previous point: do you have a better idea?" argued Ink, her voice stern. There was a silence.
"May Xero murdering us all be less painful than this," sighed Everest.

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