A Trip To Kirokuro

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Photon was slumped against the back door inside the van. Ebony and Everest had filled him in about what they suspected about Xero and his plan to destroy Earth, while Blood helped a very nervous Koulder to drive.
"And we've gotta get to Kirokuro to find another Xerourian to help us," finished Everest. Photon's tired eyes suddenly widened.
"No, not Kirokuro. I can't go there"
"Why not?" asked Ebony, confused.
"Reasons," replied Photon bluntly, "I can't explain now." He shook his head and put his forehead in his palm
"We have plenty of time before we get there," smiled Everest.
"No." A sense now finality was in his voice, "you don't understand."
"Then tell us! Why can't you go to Kirokuro?"
Photon glared at Everest.
"Fine. If you must know, it's where my brother lives. Tremmor Avair. We haven't spoken in God knows how long. When I was shipped off to The Copperland, Tremmor was sent to Kirokuro. I was told it was because my parents couldn't bare him, which makes sense to be honest. I don't know what the people there have done with him. He could be dead for all I know." There was a silence.
"Point taken. But we still have to go there. And we'll just need to hope the Xerourian isn't in him." said Everest in an attempt to lighten the mood, "and if the Xerourian is in him, then we'll have to deal with that as it comes. Koulder, get us to Kirokuro. And don't kill us."

Three hours later, Koulder finally said,
"Hey guys, we made it!"
"'bout time," grumbled Everest.
"Well you didn't pick a Porsche, mate."
"They didn't have any Porsches."
"Then don't complain about it. Are we gonna do this or not?"
"Alright, alright, Jesus."
Everest opened the van door and hopped out while Ebony and Photon got out beside him. Koulder circled round the front of the van to join them. The four of them took there first look at Kirokuro.

It was extraordinarily pretty. It looked like it came straight out of Japan. Lotus flowers shrouded the iron gates the towered above the group. Tall, crimson buildings poked over the top of the gate. They had turquoise and orange accents and were all three stories high with upturned ledges around them. A long, cobbled road was visible past the gate. It wound through the city, snaking round shops and splitting off through alleyways. Civilians walked up and down the road, chatting and buying from the stalls that stood around.

Koulder noticed a button on the right hand pole that held up the gate. He pointed it out to the group. He pushed it and waited. Nothing. He pushed it again. Nothing again. He pushed-
"Just be patient, mate. The door bloke will just be busy." Everest reasoned.
Koulder pushed the button another twelve times while looking Everest dead in the eyes. A panel opened in the floor behind the gate and a chair came out of it, baring a man. The man looked very out of place against the very eastern appearance of the place. He wore a white shirt, purple bow tie, black blazer and trousers and a tall, black top hat. But it was his face that was the most striking. The whole right side was mangled and wrinkled. His right eye was nothing more than a blank, pale orb. He opened the gate.
"Are you this impatient at every door you stop at?" asked the man irritably, glaring at Koulder.
"Typical Tremmor," muttered Photon.
"That's Tremmor?" asked a surprised Ebony.
Tremmor looked over at Photon. His brow furrowed. Then his eyes widened. He tone was cold.
"Why are you here?"
"Will you explain?" replied Photon, looking at Ebony. She sighed, but obliged. Tremmor listened intently, occasionally nodding as she spoke. When Ebony had finished, he folded his eyes and sighed.
"I was really hoping the Xer- what was it? Xerian?"
"Xerourian wasn't in you, but I'm guessing it is?" Photon said bitterly.
"How do you work that out?" asked Everest, evidently surprised yet impressed.
"His arms are folded, which suggests discomfort or agitation. He is very focused on his shoes, which suggests processing lots of thoughts. And when I said I hoped it wasn't in him, I saw him mutter a very naughty word. In short, he has the Xerourian, which is what we... you hoped for. So now we can be on our merry way to save the world from imminent destruction." Photon took a moment to wallow in pleasure as he looked over the group's flabbergasted expressions. He smiled at Everest's gaping mouth.

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