The Copperland

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The Copperland wasn't called The Copperland because it was full of copper. No, it was the nickname it had acquired due to it consisting of only one building. The Ghora Police headquarters.

It wasn't a pretty building, by any stretch of the imagination. It looked like a city that had been destroyed, then haphazardly put back together to form one huge, hideous castle. This, funnily enough, is exactly what had happened. It was a massive complex, and wasn't dissimilar in appearance to a fortress, with its tall, iron-barbed fence and stone watchtowers on each corner.

The only entrance or exit was a solid, heatproof (after an incident with a reckless prisoner who smuggled a lighter into his cell) door. No one volunteered to go through that infamous door. It had no windows, handle or keyhole. It only opened with a keycard owned exclusively by highly ranked officers.

If you somehow got out of your cell, you had to somehow find your way to the door then somehow not get decapitated, shot, impaled or fried by the traps at the door. If you somehow made it past the door, then you'd die of hunger or thirst in the baron wasteland that surrounded it. It wasn't easy to escape. But that doesn't mean no one tried. Many fruitless attempts had been made and, unsurprisingly, all of them had failed abysmally.

Photon Avair was walking through the rabbit warren of corridors that made up The Copperland. He had served in the police for the best part of twenty years. And he was only twenty-eight. His parents had thrown him in for an interview when he was eight due to his observance and ability to read body language. He was the chief detective when he was fourteen. And he had an awesome pink mohawk as well as a suit complete with green tie, yellow shirt and purple blazer. He was a pretty cool guy to say the least.

He walked with a slight spring in his step, and his hand were in the pockets of his blazer. He strode past a cell, greeting the occupant jovially, as though he was a friend. The prisoner had a mess of ginger hair and a limp fringe that hung sadly from his head. He looked up and his lifeless, brown eyes met Photon's as he walked past. He couldn't have been older than Photon.
"Yikes!" exclaimed Photon, as he saw the prisoners youthful yet exhausted face, "what one Earth did you do to get in here?"
The prisoner glared at Photon. Photon raised an eyebrow and continued on his stroll. A voice came through in his earpiece
"There's three teens at the door. Would you go ask them to get lost?"
"Sure" Photon doubled back on himself and headed towards the door, the other side of the building. When he eventually arrived, he scanned his keycard and the door opened. As he had been informed, three teenagers stood before him.
"Can I help you?"
"Hey man, just wondered if anything weird was going on round here? Anything that could potentially be related to the landing a couple days back?" asked Everest
"This is a prison, mate, weird stuff's always going on. But no, not that I've heard of. Wait, who even are you guys?" This time the girl spoke,
"Ebony Scream-Curse, Koulder Obsidian and Everest Hornette"
"And what brings you here, of all places?"
"We just figured this place might be a hotspot for anything supernatural," explained Koulder, "would you mind if we came in? Just to have a slight inspection?"
"Why would I let you do that?"
Suddenly, there was a sound like rushing wind and a foggy silhouette appeared behind Photon. Ebony's eyes widened. Photon turned around. It looked somewhat like a ghost. It wasn't completely solid and it seemed to swirl slightly like mist, whilst having the outline of a man. Two large, gaseous eyes appeared in what seemed to be its face. The smoke that seemed to make up its body was becoming denser. It was almost solid. It pressed a grey hand to Photon's mouth.

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