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"Xero stood facing Xerour. His kingdom. Destroyed. All that hard work, for nothing. So many puny civilians dead. He chuckled to himself. What fun it must've been, to be right in the action; screaming, shouting, crying and calling. He clenched a fist. A bus crumpled.
A man came into view. Black robes. Black beard. Black hat.
"Nice hat"
"Thank you"
"It's stupid"
"Thank you"
"Witches don't exist"
"It's not a witch's hat"
"Yes it is"
"It's not"
"It's pointy"
"So are rhino horns"
"Then you're a rhino"
"I have no need for you"
Xero lazily shooed the man away. The man flew back and slammed against a wall Xero conjured from nothing. His head flopped down to his chest, his limbs disfigured
A staircase appeared in front on Xero. It rose up about twenty feet then ended. A nasty crack sounded as the man's limbs fixed themselves. The man stood up and gave a small smile. Xero was baffled.
"What magic is this?"
"It's old. Very old in fact. As old as the Beasts. Ever heard of the Beasts?
Xero's face whitened. He had. Beasts were powerful. Only able to be called upon by equal power. They had once lived in harmony with Xerourians. Xero had cared for them. Then they became strong. And he banished them to a Dark Place.
"Are they alive?" there was the slightest hint of fear in the tyrant's booming voice.
"Oh yes. They're coming, Xero. But they need masters."
And with that, the man ran up the staircase and jumped. He vanished. Xero let out an almighty roar. He will not be overthrown. Not by Beasts. Not by anything.

"Apparently, there are these things called Beasts. It's just a legend and that, but if it's true..."
"Xero is basically gone," Ink and Glob explained, "they were the only things that could ever rival him in power."
"Where are they then? That is, if they exist?" asked Koulder.
"No idea."
Photon intervened indignantly,
"Hang on, your guys can talk?"
"Yes, haven't you been listening?"
Photon glared at Ebony, who winked.
"How exactly?" asked Tremmor.
"Just grab the pipe thing in their neck."
Photon and Tremmor both put hands to there throats as a sudden cold embraced them.
"Testing" was heard from Tremmor. Tremmor looked startled.
"What did you expect?" laughed Photon.
"Not that," coughed Tremmor. Photon suddenly looked as startled as Tremmor. He looked down at his hands. They were fading.
"Why am I disappearing?!"
"Excuse me?"
"Oh my god, your hands!"
"Yeah NO SHIT!" an inch of fear trickled into Photon's voice.
"Ooooooh," sighed Ink.
"Care to enlighten us?"
"It's just his Xerourian, I think he got Smoke,"
"You drew the short straw there, mate,"
"Thanks. Really guys, thank you. I really appreciate all the support you guys are giving me right now," said Photon sarcastically.
"Well what do you expect us to do?! You're just a cloud of gas!"
"Hey," an echoey voice emanated from where Photon had been. It seemed to whistle, like wind through leaves, but had a slight harshness that was slightly intimidating. Smoke's body was, well, smoky. It seemed completely composed of swirling mist with two black, soulless eyes embedded in what looked a bit like a head. He was undeniably creepy looking.
"Alright Smoke?" greeted Glob.
"Yes, thank you. I rather detest this human's dress sense though."
Though Photon was no longer visible, his voice could still be heard.
"Shut it, fart cloud," he snapped as the other snorted in laughter.
"Two questions," said Blood.
"Please, go ahead."
"How have you been?"
"Well, I seem to be immune to the toxicity of this environment, which has helped a great deal with my survival. I landed with Merder, but I bolted as soon as I arrived. I ended up in that desert and found you." The Xerourians expressed tones of understanding."
"I can see why you bolted, if you landed with Merder," laughed Ink.
"I am here you know," came what they now understood to be Merder's voice. There was a momentary silence.
"Second question," said Blood hastily, "how did you manage to become visible?"
"You just kinda spread yourself out."
"Ev, you're turning green," pointed out Koulder with half a smile."
"Undo your belt, mate. Glob's a big boy." laughed Ink.

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