Getting Some Transportation

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The group walked to the nearby car garage. They entered with caution, nervous of the outcome of their heist.
"That van over there, that one," hissed Glob. It was a navy blue Ford Transit, "Ink, find the keys." Ebony nodded and walked to the wall of keys behind the cash desk, while Everest and Koulder headed to the van.
"Can I help you?" a somewhat confused assistant had walked up behind her. Ebony turned. His tag said his name was called Harrison.
"Oh, thank you. I was just.. um.. admiring your selection of key designs." Ebony replied with a nervous smile. Harrison hesitated for a second, then half-smiled back.
"Of course. Well, just give us a shout if you need any help."
"Sure." He gave another smile and walked away. When Ebony was sure Harrison was out of sight, she looked around for Everest. He was still with Koulder at the van. Koulder found Ebony's gaze and gave her the 'what on Earth are you waiting for?' look. Ebony turned back to the wall. She scanned the seemingly endless supply of keys. Big, small, gold and silver. She decided to wing it.
"Excuse me?" she called over to Harrison. He walked up to her.
"Hi, so my friends over there," she indicated to Koulder and Everest, "were just looking at that van. Would you be able to tell me which key come with it? It's just I'm a bit of a key fanatic."
Harrison paused for a moment, as if in deep thought, then gave that shaky smile of his.
"Um, the Transit van, yeah? It'd be that one," he pointed to a big, shiny, silver key that hung from the around the centre of the wall. Ebony gave her thanks and Harrison wandered off again.
"Ok. What the hell was that?!" Ink hissed furiously.
"I improvised, cool it."
"A key fanatic?! A bloody KEY FANATIC?!"
"Point taken, but it did the job."
"Did the job, did it? You looked like such a weirdo!"
"What's new?" Ink sighed.
"You poor thing."
"Can we discuss the more pressing matter at hand? Like, you know, the van robbing?"
"Let me try something."
"Oh god."
"Trust me." Ebony's arm suddenly felt cold. When she looked down at it, her finger tips blackened. They dripped a dark substance. Ink. A thin tendril snaked from her forearm, where her hand had once been. Ink laughed in victory. The tendril rose up, still dripping ink. It plucked the key off the wall and retracted back into Ebony's hand.
"You're welcome."
"Thanks. We gotta tell the lads," Ebony replied in relief. She walked over to Everest and tapped him on the shoulder. He spun around, and grinned at the sight of Ebony dangling the key ring from her finger. He took them, opened the door of the car, jumped into the passenger seat and called to Koulder who hopped into the drivers seat, a mixture of excitement, determination and downright fear on his face. Ebony raised and eyebrow. What could possibly go wrong?
"One hell of a lot."
"Shut it, it was your idea!"
"I never said it was a good one!"
"You gonna come?" laughed Koulder, leaning past Everest to speak to Ebony. She chuckled and took the key from Everest to slide the large side door open. She stepped up onto the ledge and took one last look behind her. Harrison was watching her, eyes wide, mouth slightly ajar. Ebony looked him dead in the eyes and pressed a finger to her lips. She smiled, winked and clambered into the van, slamming the sliding door behind her. She stuck her head between the seats the boys were sat in and said,

In The Back Of Your MindМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя