Episode 4, Part 3: High Steaks Operation

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          "Heard!" She started by sharpening her knife, much like Chef Ramsay does. "Alright...showmanship. All about showmanship." She muttered the words the producers had pounded into her since day one. Taking a deep breath, she twirled the long sharp knife between her fingers. Without looking up, she can hear the soldiers' cheers of amazement. After making sure the knife was at its sharpest, she started slicing the raw beef for the carpaccio.

          Back in the Blue Kitchen, Gordon was hounding the men into giving him the table 10 and table 16 appetizers. "Come on! Where are my two sliders? The carpaccio is dying in the pass!"

           Baron looked to Ralph who was still flipping the pork for the sliders. "I'm two minutes out on the sliders, Chef!"

          "Oh my god..." Chef Ramsay slapped a hand to his face, knowing that by the time the sliders were out, the carpaccio is dead. He took the perfect plate and threw it in the trash bin. "Redo the whole ticket! You bloody donkeys! Communicate with your fucking team!"

          "Yes, Chef!" Baron turned to Ralph. "What the hell, man!"

          "I told you I was three minutes out on the sliders but you sliced anyway!"

          "You said it was three minutes fucking five minutes ago! Get your timing right, you twat!"

          Ben got in between the men and ordered them back to their stations. "Break it up! We finish this dinner service first, then you can have at it!"

          45 minutes into dinner service and only the Black kitchen has made it into entrees. Both the Red and Blue teams were stuck on their second to the last appetizer ticket.

         Chef Ramsay goes to X's kitchen to read the ticket. "X, entrees, one four-top followed by two two-tops, two porterhouse, one ribeye, one New York, followed by one filet, one porterhouse, then two filets!"

          X repeated the order as fast as she could while she set up the grill and the pans in her range. "Heard!" She took out all the needed cuts from the chiller and started her garnish.

          By some form of grace, the Red kitchen managed to get into entrees in a little over the hour mark and Chef Gordon had the VIP ticket in his hands. "Ladies, start with VIP, one filet, one ribeye first. Then follow through with table 8, four covers, two porterhourse, one New York, one filet!"


          He nods and goes over to the Blue Kitchen, "Blue Team! Where are the fucking sliders?!"

           "Right here, Chef." Ralph ran to the pass with his sliders and back to his station.

           Gordon took the bun off one and checked the pork inside. "This is ice-cold..." He said disapprovingly and walked to the kitchen, slamming the metal tray with the sliders into the table. "HEY ALL OF YOU! Touch that, just touch that! Ice fucking cold! We have the customer wait an hour for their appetizer and they get it stone cold."

           Ralph had his head hung. "I'm sorry, Chef."

          "Oh piss off, you...Get out!" Chef Ramsay pointed to the exit and trashed the plate. It was the fifth plate to meet its doom for that dinner service. "Blue Team get your fucking heads out of the gutter and drive! Samuel, jump on the sliders for crying out loud. After that, it's two carpaccio and two sliders all day!"

          "Yes, Chef!"

           An hour and forty-five minutes into dinner service the Navy SEALs were ready for their entrees. Chef Ramsay took the ticket and read it. "X, VIP, one filet, one new York, one porterhouse, one ribeye, and two wellingtons."

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