Chapter 4

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(X's POV)

          I exited MGM Grand along with the Red Team as we were set to go back to Los Angeles. The headache I've had since this morning is getting worse and I had to forgo joining the Blue Team with their rewards. Such a shame, Las Vegas parties are the best.

          "Ms. X, why didn't you join the guys?" Heidi asked to my right as we walked to the waiting bus.

          "I'm not really up for it." I give a grimace. "My headache is giving me hell."

          Jenny fished something out of her bag and handed it to me. "Want some Tylenol?"

          "Yes, please. Thank you."

         We boarded the bus that would take us to the airport, swearing under my breath when we realized the bus was not air-conditioned. All sweating and swearing, we traveled to the airport. I took of my mask and realized everyone was looking at me. "What?"

          "You took—um your eyes..." I guess Heidi had noticed my mismatched eyes. She looked at them too long for my liking.

          "Ah yes," I broke her trance and she looked away embarrassed. "I had an...injury when I was young, eye trauma and now I've got blue and brown eyes. I laughed.

          Silence followed and the short bus ride halted as we were in front of the airport. I was the first to get out and Jean-Philippe escorted me down, then halted the others. "I'm sorry ladies, only Ms. X and I can ride the plane, you all will be riding this bus back to L.A."

          The women groaned and begged Jean-Philippe to at least transfer them to an air-conditioned bus, but the maitre d' said that it Chef Ramsay's orders. I asked one of the staff to fetch me a few bottles of ice-cold beer and handed the cooler to the ladies. "I'm sorry you guys can't come..."

          Angela received the cooler with a smile. "Don't you worry, boo. We got this. In the mean time, we'll be plotting to dethrone you soon!" she laughed heartily and I joined her.

          "I'll do my best as well, ma'am." I waved as the bus left and I turned to Jean-Philippe. "Couldn't you give them a break? It's hard enough that when they get to L.A, they're gonna have to clean the place up!" I ranted more as I put back my mask on, careful of nearby press or paparazzi.

          He chuckled and we made our way inside. "Chef Ramsay's orders."

          We boarded the plane, first-class of course, courtesy of Gordon. I settled in after taking the Tylenol and some juice. The flight was an hour and a half long and I slept all the way until Jean-Philippe told me it was time to get off the plane.

          The limo silently drove back to a residence a few blocks away from the Hell's Kitchen restaurant. I got down and waved Jean-Philippe goodbye. I entered my temporary dorms and sighed. Making my way to the kitchen, I saw a hot meal was prepared and a note was tucked under the plate.

         I'm sorry, I couldn't join you for dinner as I promised. Producers said I had to join the men in their reward. I had them prepare your dinner so you won't go to bed with an empty stomach. Be there soon. 


          I shook my head with a small smile. He has been very sweet ever since I handed in my application in his office last month, Chef Wolfgang Puck at my side. As much as I want to let my thoughts wander, I do have to remember that he has a wife and four kids.

          I ate the meal and washed the dishes, taking a quick shower and jumped into my cosy, plump bed. It's going to be a long season, and a good night's sleep is a good start.

(Gordon's POV)

          I drank my bourbon slowly and watched as the men partied away at MGM Wet Republic's Ultimate Pool Party. I'm very sure they are enjoying all the drinks and women with bikini that left little to the imagination. I'll let them have their fun. Soon enough, they'll have to face hell in my restaurant.

          "Hey there, Chef Ramsay." A sultry voice greeted beside me and a woman wearing a black two piece sat down on the bar next to me.

          I motioned for my escorts to lead the woman away, not wanting to cause a scene, or worse paparazzi scoop. She scowled and went back to the pool to her friends.

          The producers directed the cameras to get some shots and footage of the men enjoying their party for the episode. I stood up and went back up to the penthouse suite of the hotel. As I waited for the elevators, my thoughts went to Cassandra, or what she will be known now as X. Her mismatched eyes haunt me every time, and it isn't really helping me, especially in my slightly tipsy state.

          I went to the bathroom, took off my clothes and sunk myself into the large Roman spa tub. The warm water helped relax my tense muscles and I closed my eyes, thinking back to the first time she entered my office, boldly handing in her application.

           That day, she had looked stunning, her dark hair up in a messy bun, some tendrils falling over to frame her small face, her shapely figure hidden in slightly form-fitting black slacks and white blouse.

          For the past month, I have been trying to get close to her, but she seems distant, making me want her more. What I would give to be with her right now! I felt aroused just seeing her in my mind and it is driving me insane.

          After washing off and relieving myself from thoughts of her, something I haven't done in a long time, I laid down in bed and dozed off, dreaming of sharp mismatched eyes and more.

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