Episode 3, Part 1: The Alaskan King Crab Challenge

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          A week after line cooking boot camp, the Red and Blue Team lined up in front of the pass, eager for the second challenge of the season.

          Chef Ramsay jogged to the front and clapped his hands together, "Right, good morning everyone."

          "Good morning, chef!"

          "My, do I have a treat for you guys!" He grinned as Sous chef Jockey and Jean-Philippe wheeled in a large rectangular object covered in black cloth, "Now, who of you loves seafood?"

          Most of the chefs' hands shot up, eager to prove that they have what it takes. Surprisingly enough, X's hand did not go up.

          "Not a fan of seafood, miss X?" Gordon raised an eyebrow, a bit worried that he may have thrown a curveball towards her direction.

          "Not really, no," she smiled as she shook her head. "But make no mistake, I can cook it." X added for the benefit of the other chefs who were glad to hear she was at a bit of a disadvantage.

           Chef turned to the others to see them grinning. "Looks like you guys might have a shot at being chef-to-beat today!"

           "We're looking forward to that, Chef." Samuel said determinedly.

           "Now," Chef Ramsay made his way to the black cloth, gripping an edge. He pulls it fast and reveals a large tank filled with what can only be described as nightmare come to life.

           Some of the women screamed, seeing the nightmarish Alaskan King crab, not one but at least twenty in one tank. Even the men stared at it disbelievingly.

           "This is the Rolls Royce of the sea, the Alaskan King Crab. They grow for as long as 6 feet, but some fishermen have said they've seen bigger."

           X stared at the alien-like crustacean, already thinking of ways to cook it. Classic-steamed, in a seafood hotpot, she can go in so many directions with the king crab.

          "Your challenge for today is cooking up the best Alaskan King Crab dish. You all have 45 minutes to make one portion. Are you guys ready?"

          "Yes, Chef!"

          "Your 45 minutes...starts...now!"

           The chefs went to their own kitchens, gathering their ingredients from the full-stock pantry, only to discover the one key ingredient missing. "Chef," Michelle ran to the pass. "Where's the crab?"

          Gordon Ramsay laughed and leaned lightly on the tank. "Where do you think the crab is, Madam?"

          "FUCK!" She turned to her teammates to deliver the horrifying news. "Girls, girls, huge problem. We have to get the crab from the tank."

          Her team shared the sentiment and ran to the tank, the men following them.

          "Okay, somebody has to get them crabs out, because I am in no way gonna get that, I mean, look at it!" Janice grimaced in disgust.

          While they deliberated who was going to get the king crab, Ben from the Blue Team has already secured a pair of heavy-duty, arm-length gloves and dunked his hand into the tank, grabbing the crab on its body. He lifted one and they were shocked at the length of its legs. "Daaaaaaamn!" He ran back to the kitchen with his crab, not looking back at his teammates.

           The men followed his suit and started donning on their gloves. Out of the women, only Angela, Sylvia, and Kimberly has secured their crabs. To the side, Michelle and Janice tried to think of a way to get the crab without actually touching them.

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