Episode 2, Part 1: The Not-so-Calm before the Storm

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          The Blue and Red team were still sleeping, tired even two days after the Signature Dish Challenge, not to mention the punishment and reward that came after. That was until they got a call at 7 am from Jean-Philippe, requesting everyone to get ready for a meeting with Chef Ramsay, and sous chefs Christina and Jockey. With their bodies aching, the men from partying and the women from cleaning and setting up the restaurant, they got ready as fast as their bodies allowed them, and headed down to the kitchens.

          "Line up, please, let's go!" Chef Ramsay called to the chefs as they went to the front of the pass in their respective teams. "Good morning, everyone!"

          "Good morning, chef!" they answered in chorus.

          X came through the front doors, a bit breathless from having jogged from her residence to the restaurant. Embarrassed, she briskly walked to take her place next to the teams. Her hair was now in a tight bun compared to last time, and she was sporting a plain black half-mask, complimenting her black jacket. "I'm sorry, I'm late."

          Chef Gordon's forehead creased as he frowned. "Let me tell you dear, one of the things I value most is time. It doesn't matter how good you are, or talented, if you are late, you are late."

          X looked down at her feet, in her mind scoffing at the fact that she got a scolding despite being a few minutes late. Some of the onlookers snickered, seeing that their toughest competitor is not immune to Gordon Ramsay's attacks. "I'm sorry, Chef. It won't happen again."

          "Right, we'll see." Gordon then clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. "And speaking of time, tonight will be the 20th grand opening of Hell's Kitchen! A very special day for all of us, yes?"

          "Yes, chef!"

          "As you all can see, the restaurant is no longer divided in to two sections, but three. All equally divided between X, the Red team, the Blue team."

         Chef Gordon was interrupted by Kaito who was scratching his head. "Wait, wait, Chef Ramsay. You mean X will cook by herself in one kitchen? Against all of us? With same number of tables and orders?" He struggled a bit with his English but he managed to get his point across.

        "Yes, yes, you bloody wanker, now let me finish before I send you back to Japan!" the others laughed, except for Kaito who thought the threat was true, shutting up.

         "Don't worry, I'll manage." X peeked at Kaito with a smile. He returned it with an apologetic one.

         "Now, this may sound like an advantage to the Blue and Red Team since they will have fewer tickets to cook and send, but let me tell you..." Gordon Ramsay paused a little for dramatic effect. "with fewer tickets, you can't hide from your fucking mistakes. If you fail, and must bounce back, better do it fast because there are also fewer chances to do so. Am I clear?"

        "Yes, chef!"

        "Tonight, I'm holding each and every one of you accountable for tonight's dinner service. I want a perfect, memorable service. Am I bloody understood?"

        "Yes, Chef!"

        "Good. Now go to your assigned stations and prepare it. You all have one hour to prep, then make a stunning portion of every appetizer and entree of Hell's Kitchen for inspection."

          The chefs went to their team's kitchen, and quickly started the prep work. X was all alone in the black kitchen, but she was determined to show why she was the chef-to-beat. Carefully planning in her head the order of preparation, she started.

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