Episode 3, Part 3: Surprise, Surprise

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            It was nearing 7pm and all three kitchens are busy prepping for tonight's dinner service. Aside from the regular menu, Sylvia's winning king crab dish will be featured. Gordon went down from his office checking the preparations in all kitchens.


          "Yes, chef?"

          "Open Hell's Kitchen, please. Let's go."

          The main doors were opened and in come the guests who were eager to not just eat the delicious food made by the contestants, but also to see Gordon Ramsay in action in the kitchen. Not to mention the high expectations for a night of cussing and plate-throwing.

          The first orders come in and Chef Gordon calls it out to the Red Team. "On order ladies, four covers Table 6, one risotto, one carbonara, and two scallops."

          "Yes, Chef!" The hot apps and fish station get to work on the first appetizers. Communication was key, and they knew better than to shut up and get sent home.

          Chef Gordon then moves to the Blue Kitchen and he has his eyes on Damian who was manning the hot apps station. "Men, four covers, table 23, three risotto, one carbonara."

          Damian immediately gets to work, making sure there were enough portions of the rice for three. Kaito who was tonight's floater approached him, "Do you need any help, brother?"

          "I'm good, I'm good. Don't worry about it." Damian was focused on stirring his rice so they do not get burnt. "I got this."

          Just as he was about to go to the Black kitchen, Gordon was approached by Jean-Philippe. "Chef, VVIP. We have Chef Aaron Sanchez and his wife and kid." He breaks into a smile as the Latino chef enters and hugs him.

           "Gordon! I'm sorry I couldn't come on opening night. I hope there's still a seat for me."

          "Of course, you twat, come on!" He directs them to the renovated chef's table for the Blue Team. "Christina, call out X's tickets!" The sous chef nods and goes to the black kitchen. The chef's table was the best seat in the house of course. From there, you can see the chefs at work closer than the other diners. Jean-Philippe serves them wine and hands them the menu to take their orders.

          Gordon now turns to the men. "Guys, we have a VIP here, celebrity chef, restaurateur, and my co-host from Masterchef, Chef Aaron Sanchez." The men clapped, seeing him in person for the first time is such an honor, much more cooking for him.

          "Oh I forgot to mention, Gordon, I invited Joe to come with me, he said he might be a bit late."

           He groaned and cussed under his breath before turning to the pass for the Red Team's first batch of appetizers. After plating them with the garnish, he sends them up to the waiters. "Service please, thank you." He turns to the women. "That's a good start. Now keep the momentum going, alright?"

          "Yes, Chef!"

           He lets Chef Jockey handle the VIP ticket for the blue team and he goes to X's kitchen. "X! Where are your scallops and risotto?"

          "Walking, chef!" She approaches the pass with a large pan and a plate of scallops. "Chef, that's table 20's two risotto, two scallops, and table 3's one risotto, one scallop."

          Chef Ramsay nods and dips a spoon into the pan for a taste. "X!"

           "Yes, Chef?" She was a bit worried. That was the first time he shouted directly at her.

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