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During the classes Changbin debated if he should pay a visit to Minho's dance lessons or not. He already went there a few times before. He made some remixes for some of their choreographies but he never had a reason to stay until the end so maybe that's why he never saw Hyunjin there. It isn't anything bad that he wants to meet Hyunjin, he thought assuring himself that it's okay to stop by the studio and see if Hyunjin is there.

The classes ended and Changbin slacked off in comparison to his friends. He already sent a message to Chan saying that he's not going home with him. He sat in the classroom for a while until everyone left. He didn't particularly want to see anyone, not that he was scared he just didn't want to answer any questions. When he was sure almost all students were gone he picked up his stuff and went towards the dance studio.

Dance studio Minho had practice in was on school grounds. Their teacher held dance classes for their school so she got a permission to use it for her private classes as well. Overall it's a win-win situation. Changbin stood in front of the door of the dance studio. He was again questioning himself if he should go in or not. After going through a slight mental breakdown he heard music. It was classical music, something you would dance ballet to. He just stood there listening to the music.

Some time already passed and he decided he's just gonna peek his head through. From his memory the mirror is not across the door so who ever was in there won't immediately spot him. So with that he slowly cracked open the door fist only looking through the crack. And there he was, Hyunjin. His moves were mesmerising. Every time he moved his body looked gentle and fragile. In the awe of the taller boy's dancing Changbin opened the door a bit wider watching very carefully.

Hyunjin looked gorgeous. Every position he stood in looked like art. His posture was perfect and every move carefully executed. Like he was in his own little world dancing him worries away. He was like an angel that lost his way on this cursed planet.

While watching Hyunjin dance everything else didn't matter. At least that's what Changbin thought. In the middle of this performance Hyunjin finely turned around meeting Changbin's eyes. Panicking Changbin tumbled down landing on his butt. Before Hyunjin was able to get out of the shock Changbin was already running through the halls. He never in his life ran so fast. Even though he was long ago out of Hyunjin's sight he was still running. He ran all the way to his house and in hurry locked himself in his room and Hyunjin was left in shock.

That night Changbin couldn't sleep. He was scribbling in his notebook he used for ideas, lyrics and some random thoughts overall. He didn't even try to sleep he knew he won't be able to. This was nothing new, the non sleeping nights were a bad habit Changbin couldn't get rid of. That morning he decided to go to school earlier. He didn't want Chan to worry about him so avoiding him was the only option. He sent yet another message that he won't be going with him.

In school he tried acting okay but Seungmin figured him out quickly. He didn't say anything even though he was worried. He knew Changbin was going to deny it and get all salty and mad over nothing. He is really intimidating when he doesn't get enough sleep.

For the lunch break Seungmin had to drag Changbin to the cafeteria. Changbin didn't want to see everyone while he was like this but he didn't have any strength to go against Seungmin. Not everyone was at the table but as soon as Changbin sat down all eyes were on him. In no time they realized he didn't sleep well or didn't sleep at all.

"Are you okay? Did something happen yesterday?" Woojin asked worried. Not everyone was brave enough to talk to him while he was like this. "Nothing happened. " Changbin replied shortly. "Then why do you looked so tired? " Jisung asked. He was used to this version of Changbin since they worked together and that led to a lot of sleepless nights and the rest, you get the idea. "I just couldn't sleep that's all. " He replied sounding a bit annoyed. "You sure it's only that? " Chan added just to make sure and Changbin replied with a nod.

Not long after Felix and Minho appeared and sat at their usual sits. Minho between Jisung and Chan and Felix between Chan and Changbin. The smile Felix had on his face turned into a frown as soon as he saw Changbin. Felix was angry. He was the first one to notice Changbin's habit of not sleeping and he made him promise that he won't stay up all night ever again. Felix didn't even say a word he grabbed Changbin by his wrist and dragged him into the bathroom. The table was left in silence but no one was surprised.

"You didn't sleep again. " Felix said letting go of Changbin and closing the door behind them. "Why didn't you call me? I told you to call me if you had problems with that. " He said rage starting to build up. "It's not the same this time. " Changbin replied looked at the floor. He felt bad he couldn't keep the promise he gave to his best friend. "No it wasn't Changbin! You're doing this to your self and I'm not going to sit here and watch you go through it" Changbin gulped and looked up at Felix.
"He was crying. " He said quietly. "He was crying when he looked at me! " He yelled causing Felix to flinch. "And I didn't do anything! I just ran away. " He finished with a whisper. Felix was shocked but soon got a hold of himself.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know you actually went to see him. " He replied feeling guilty about yelling at Changbin without knowing why he didn't sleep. Changbin hugged Felix as an apology for yelling back. "I should've called you. I'm sorry. " Changbin said relaxing when he felt Felix hug him back and relax as well. "It's okay but next time you should really call. You know I'm always here for you. " Changbin nodded. They stayed in that position for a little while until someone knocked on the door. Before exiting and going back to class Changbin recalled the picture from yesterday evening with only one question
"Why was he crying?"

Wowowow that's the third chapther. I didn't expect it to be this long but yeet. Anyway I hope you enjoyed it and had a good time reading it. If you find any errors in please tell me so I can fix them. Leave a comment, vote and I Love you all bYe.

-Your writer Peanut♡

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