"Ahh!-" King Yama yell in pain and stumbled back.

Shock fill the minions. N-no-No way!! That can't possibly be!!! No one survive The King Fire of Punishment. They were shaking, an unimaginable fear consume them: If this woman can easily beat their second in command and the king of hell itself, do they have a chance?! But this was not the right time to ask right now as they heard Xi chocking, the anger inside of them increase like never before. They glance at each other and nodded.

All four of them went to attack together along with King Yama punch but unfortunately, Chun Zhiming dodge it easily without giving a glance as her other hand still holding Xi neck.

They increase their speed and combined their power to attack, again! Not discourage they attack together until exhausted took over them is when the tiny hope they have decrease. 

King Yama entire being was on fire, his rage reach to a new hight. He increase his power to 60% that those in hell couldn't move anymore. Who? Who made their King this angry?!!

"Yahh!-" he roar in power as dark energy form around him like tornado, lightning shooting out. His eye turn bright crimson, a weird pattern shone on his skin.

Meanwhile at heaven, when they feel the powerful yet familiar dark energy, they can only guess one thing--someone truly anger King Yama! The weak or minor gods stop in fear while the higher one look worried.

Chun Zhiming just watch the scene calmly, not an ounce of fear can be seen in her eye as her smile soften and turn her attention back to the person, who she's choking, and closely said to his ears.

"Look, Mister Yama is angry. Do you Know why?" Softly and look at him innocently like a clueless person. When Xi heard her questions he spit out blood in angry yet despair.

King Yama, blinded by rage, attack again with a dark purple energy around his fist. He pound his fist every direction making sure that she doesn't escape the attack and hope this does kill her. Chan Zhiming threw Xi to the ground, the four minions ran to catch him but their speed is slow because of the heavy pressured that restrain them. So he landed to the ground with a heavy thud.

Chun Zhiming welcome king Yama attack. boom! Heavy smoke form but King Yama didn't stop instead he than blasted a large wave of lava. The rage inside of him haven't dispatch, it increase to the point where he uses every move to kill her; which cause a huge explosion and a shake in the mortals world.

Once done, he gasped every air he can as he feel his energy depleted. His giant form shrink and slowly come to the ground. The four Minions, one holding Xi, ran to him. 

"King." They hold him up as he stagger.

"Is it over?" Asked Ni. Just as King Yama was going to answer....a giggled from the back was heard. All of them froze...No!

They snap their head toward the giggle and eye widen in horror as the smoke was clear. There she stand, unharmed, her unnerving eye's looking at them. This time, They, the most powerful demon in hell and as he, the ruler of Hell: truly felt despaired.

Chun Zhiming look at them silently, but her grin turn upside down and ask again, but this time in a serious voice, "Give me My Ao Ao, King Yama." Not adding the 'Mister' anymore.

None of them answers. They truly don't have or know whose this Ao Ao is. Seeing this, Chun Zhiming release an aura that every dimensions, every universe will never forgets.


They freeze, no one move, not even Breathing; they stop what their doing. Afraid that if they move, Death will be their only answers. The heavens jump in startled but stop as a dreadful fear consume them: the Jade emperor, Buddha, The ONE, all stop..... everything was silent. The animals ran away, hiding; predator cower to the ground as the Prey hides while some fall into a comma.

Hell wasn't any better as the aura their feeling right now was close to them. King Yama and the rest was the unluckiest of them all; after all, the origin of this terrifying aura was in front of them. He gather a little bit of courage he have left and did the only thing he hope that will release them... maybe let them live.

He slowly fall to his knees than bow, his forehead hit the ground making a loud sound and said.

"P-pp-ple-please....spa-spare us," in a begging voice. Xi and the rest eye widen in shock but understanding as they did the same thing as he did.


Chun Zhiming face look unmoving but than....the aura dispatch. King Yama and everyone in the entire universe, dimensions, Galaxy, hell, and heavens breathed in relief.

She flew to the ground, slowly, in front of them and said softly this time as her smile form again,"Mister Yama, where is my Ao Ao. I want him back, please give him to me."

With tears falling from her beautiful eye. King Yama and the rest look up and was startled when they saw this, their once fear faded into sadness as they finally understand this woman. She only wanted her child, that's all. They finally see what's beneath her insanity; she's the most purest soul they've ever seen.

King Yama was the one who broke the silence,"This King don't know."


Hearing her broken voice, their heart felt a sharp pain. Xi spoke up,"But...we can help you look for him."

The other, even King Yama, lighten up when they heard this and quickly nod to her.

"Really?" Her eye lit up and lip form a smile again as her tears disappeared. The atmosphere light up, what happen today faded like it never existed.

"Yes Mrs. Ming!" Ni nodded assuring.

"As a gentleman, how can this one say no to a beautiful woman," Ki said.

"Pipipi yep!" Gi laugh happily.

Di just smirk.

"Hahaha-This King order Xi to get out every file on every soul, living and dead." King Yama said.

"Yes my King!" With that, he disappeared to get the file.


Months later, Hell was restored back to its peaceful self, the palace have been rebuild again. Up in heaven, they resume back to what their doing but no one will ever forget what happened that day.

Chun Zhiming went exploring, run-ning around in every place, feeling giddy inside as she look at her surrounding for the first time without feeling a need to kill. She observe her surrounding and every demon with a awe, and with a mind of a child she went to play pranks with Gi on other demons.

Right now they are playing a prank on Ni, who is sorting books and scrolls, as he about to pick up the last scroll...Puff!

Black powder stain his face.

"Gi! Zhiming!!!" Ni yelled loudly that his voice echo through hell.

"Pfft!-Hahaha! Run!"

The Insane Beauty: Wife, I'll Kill For You!!!Where stories live. Discover now