Prologue (Edited)

Start from the beginning

She glanced at the top and opened it,she watched with a strange excitement forming in the pits of her stomach as a picture of both Holly and Aubrey fell from it.

She tried to pick it as but let out a curse as her stiletto cladded feet made harsh contact with the over turned desk as the door to the room was jerked open.

Startled,Mary whirled around as she came face to face with her husband

Shawn MacGregor.

She felt a little fear crept up her back as she remembered the day she met him.

And what came after.


Mary Jane Maurice stared at her round belly with hot fury in her eyes.

He had to get her pregnant

He just had to.

She thought as she furiously wiped at her tears, nothing prepared her for this,nobody told her it was going to end this way and now everyone was going to watch her walk down the aisle with a pregnant body to get married to a man she doesn't even know with another man's child.

Mary felt the anger vanish away as she heard the door knobs turning and hurriedly wiped the tears .

One thing was for sure,he was going to accept the baby no matter what,she was going to make sure of it.

Her plan was coming together and very soon she would get the respect she earned and deserved.

Let's not forget the money.

She had to make the MacGregor deal worth a while;After all in close to eighteen years he was going to thank her.

But first she has to make him see reasons and that won't happen if she doesn't get the wedding over with.

Shawn MacGregor is not exactly the most patient of all Man and neither is his father.

She picked up the stupid pinafore umbrella before proceeding to hold on to her hired father of the night to walk down the aisle together in shame.

She felt instant remorse for the unknown father beside her as he struggles to put up the facade of a happy man willing giving his daughter out instead he looked like he would rather be at a bar trying to work his way to a free pussy.

Mary mentally scold herself as she gasped inaudibly.

"Talk about a hot cake."

Well well if it isn't the man she has been talking to for the past three weeks via email.

She tried to whisper to herself but instead made the homeless man chuckle.

She shudders dramatically as she tries to compose herself,her soon to be husband was hot,his blonde hair gelled to the back to showcase a bold face and a jaw sharp enough to cut through a huge donut.

Shawn MacGregor stared at the blonde haired girl he was about to marry,she looked odd,he thought
Not exactly a pretty face but bold enough to gather attention,well she definitely grabbed someone's attention he though as he watched his father Cain MacGregor's gaze slid up and down his soon to be wife,one thing was for sure,she had a lot to learn in order to make a perfect wife to a MacGregor.


Shawn snapped his fingers in frustration as he watched his bitchy wife slid out of the stupid trance she plugged her head into,he glanced around his ruined office and his mouth opened and closed
For a second there he looked like a fish.

Shawn closed his eyes and wished that he had the super power to get away with murder.

Mary gulped as she noticed the change in his eyes,he looked like he was about to kill but before he could let his thoughts out.

She lifted the files up.

"You know for a second there I actually thought you cared about this family."

His face was blank,his mind void,you could feel the tension rising and for a second.

Shawn actually felt a strong hatred for a being,not just any being his wife.

The only one who can make him think of suicide,he knew he was probably exaggerating but come on,man's gotta live a little.

He rubbed his hands on his face as he stared at her with a hard look on his face.

"What do you want?."

"50/50,what ever we get from the sale of my daughters goes to my account."Mary stated with a new look on her face,the look of triumph until..

"No not this time, anything else you can ask of me but the Talent keepers money goes to me only."

Shawn scolded,his face harden with the lack of emotion in his voice.

He was almost at phase two of the plan and he won't let some bitch ruin that for him.

"Holly is not your daughter."Mary smiled a little.

"I know, she's too pretty to be yours either."Shawn replied with as much venom as possible.

"How did you k-"

"You don't think I run a multi million company with just a pen and folder did you,I knew the moment you brought her here after your huge tummy surprisingly disappeared,she not mine and she's not yours either"Shawn said with a shake of his head.

He was mocking her and he knew it,she does too.

But an obvious question stood in the air

Who was Holly's parent???!!!

So I started editing but it's going to be slowly
This chapter is edited by the way

PS:only the prologue is going to be in third point of view,so starting with the next chapter it's going to be in Holly's point of view

Sooooooooooo byeeeee

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