
The dragon flew around the mountain, it's wings so big that they can be heard from anywhere and he comes round to the face us. The dragon was huge, it's eyes yellow and it's scales a shiny grey. The wings looked leathery and his snout was so long I could almost touch it with my hand. It was the first dragon I'd ever seen and I didn't realise how big they were. The dragon was almost as tall as tree and thick. Next to it, I looked like a dwarf myself.

Behind it's huge head, a foot there swinging back and forth. I moved my head and I saw a young male, his eyes dark looking amused. Dragon-Riders were human looking though more beast than man; their skin was tough almost like leather, they were built like mountains themselves and they are able to survivor without food for a long period of time. They were strong and durable like their dragons.

The dragon turned to the side and the Dragon-Rider gestured for us to come to him. Standing up, I shook my head and he rolled his eyes before demonstrating on his hands. He made two fingers walk across his palm before jumping off the palm, then pointed to his dragon.

"He wants us to jump onto his dragon." I spoke to the boys having to raise my voice a little bit so I could be heard over the flapping of the dragon. The boys all looked at me like I was insane before waving their hands and shaking their heads.

The Dragon-Rider didn't look to surprise and tapped his dragon's neck twice and the great beast pulled away.

"WAIT!" I screamed and the dragon stopped, turning it's head around, it's great yellow eyes blinking at me with curiosity.

"What are you doing Adelaide?" Hugh questioned, it's eyes on the dragon and I could almost hear him reaching for his blades. I made sure that my leather weapons belt was strapped on tightly before taking a few long paces backwards.

"Getting ready to jump." I spoke so calmly, yet my stomach was tossing and turning.

"Are you insane?" Lukas cried out, "You won't make the jump!"

"Don't you get it, it's a test." Thorunn spoke, his eyes on me assessing me, "This is why hardly no one now a days sees or attempts to see the Dragon-Riders, you aren't able to because most people are too afraid to make the jump." He smiled at me and nodded.

Smiling back, I took a deep breath before running full speed towards the dragon. The Dragon-Rider, clearly not thinking I was going to jump quickly move the dragon a little closer but there was no need.

I soared through the air and landed onto the dragons tough wings and quickly was thrown onto his back, thanks to the extra push.

I gasp and breathed out heavily, my heart pounding in my chest. I giggled hysterically and threw myself on the Dragon-Rider, hugging him tightly from behind. His skin was extremely rough and quite hard. I was shocked at the inhuman feel about him.

I threw my hands up in the air and screamed happily. The dragons scales were hard and smooth, putting my hand on his back I stroke it's talons downwards before going to opposite way and nearly cutting my finger.

I shook my head and gestured for the others to follow.

As soon as I was on, Hugh was already gearing up ready to make his jump. He made it on with ease and even almost made it directly onto the dragons huge body. Lukas however seemed adament he wasn't coming and was going to climb down and go home but after a yelling from Thorunn, he stood make and jumped as far as he could.

The Dragon-Rider clearly seeing he wasn't going to make it spun the dragon around without an warning and the dragon, knowing what his master wanted him to do, swung his tail and Lukas collied with it, holding on for dear life. The dragon threw him then tossing him into the air and Lukas landed onto the dragon hard, his impact actually causing the dragon to move a little underneath his weight.

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