For me it's easy. I try to live in the moment. Yes, i'm not going to forget what James did. No, i don't need to discuss who was right and who was wrong. Why? That's simple. It's already been done. I can't change it anymore, i can just try to make it not happen again.


After E and I had a 30 minute long conversation with James, we decided to let him off the hook.

Right now i'm standing in front of Maile's door, deciding whether to knock or just leave and go into mine and Ethan's room.

*Knock Knock Knock*

"Who is it?" She asked pretty sweetly.


"What do you want" she asked, as if her whole mood just went down the drain.

"Mind if i come in?" I ask.


"but you can come in" She said, sighing.

When i came in i saw her sitting on the bed, back facing the headboard.

"What did you want?" She asked.

I sat down in front of her.

"I just wanted to tell you that we'd be meeting Emma tomorrow, obviously jus-"

"You know he's lying, right?" She asked, interrupting me.

I sighed.

"Maile, i don't even care anymore. Yes he should have never left you even if it's true that he ordered an uber, he shouldn't have left you."

"Why don't you believe me tho? I've been nothing but nice to you. I never lied to you, i always tell you the truth. Tell me one time i've lied to you in the last 5 years." She orders.

"I can't"

"See. You'll never fully believe me or trust me. You know why? Because you see me as a child. I'm not a fucking child anymore, don't you understand that Grayson? I've been nothing but honest to you. But it's still not good enough. I'm still not good enough." Maile said.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me. You think that i see you as a child? Fuck no, i don't. I love you Maile. So much. That's what you don't see. I'm not the bad guy here." I said.

I began to see her starting to think.

"The situation with James has absolutely nothing to do with me not believing you. James isn't just a friend, he's a business partner. You see, we film videos, that's our job. He gets a percentage of the money, from the videos we film with him. I told him that i don't care, that he's done something wrong and that's it. But Maile i believe you, i really really do."

That's when she started tearing up.

"You do?" She looked down and then up at me with a tiny smile on her face.

I nodded.

Then she sprang onto me and hugged me.

"That's the first time you said you believe me"

"Well, it'll be the last if your arms are not gonna let go of my neck."

She let go a little, giggled and i hugged her back, by now she was literally straddling my lap.

"Now that you're comfortably seated. Tell me about the 'I'm still not good enough' part." I tell her, while breathing into her hair.

She pulled back but stayed seated, straddling my lap.

"It's just..One moment you make me feel very appreciated and the next you make me feel like i've never been enough for you, for my dad, for guys." she said, starting to look down.

"That's who i am. But i've never wanted to make you feel like you're not enough, sweet girl. You are beautiful inside out and the man you will marry, some day in the far future, better be more than happy with who you were, who you are and who you're becoming. A lovely young woman." I say.


Hii, complicated chapter but it'll make sense in the end.

Hope you still liked it ♥️

What would you guys like to see in the next few chapters or in general?

Also i'm kinda working on another story right now but i'll get more into that in a few chapters.

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