Chapter 1: the news

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Knock knock!
I was distracted by a knock on the door. I get up and answer the door. I'm the only one in the house at least for the week. I'm kinda happy about it. I get the place to myself. My mom and dad are going on a business trip and my brother came along to see his girlfriend. Yes my brother has a girlfriend. Actually a fiancé. They are engaged. They happen to have a long distance relationship because of collage. My brother is in Ohio University and his fiancé, Mia, is in University of Washington. They just left about 2 hours ago. They are on their way to Washington state.

"Ms.Hannah Love?" Umm... Why are police men in front of our door step? Did I I'm not a party girl. Or a drunk party girl. I'm a good girl. I in trouble?

"Yes? Who are they?" Are you stupid Hannah?! They are the police. Not an who. You should've said 'what can I do for ya?' Argh!

"Your parents and brother's plane crashed and they did not make it. I'm sorry." What? No......they were just going to Washington state and have a business meeting and my brother with Mia.

"I'm sorry but you must be wrong. My parents are not dead. They were just leaving to go to Washington state." I say with a nervous laugh.

"No, miss. Your parents are Andrew and Natalie Love right?" I nod to agree. He shows me a picture of them and their passports. Including my brother's.

"Your lying. You must have copied their's and do a prank on me." What if this is true....where am I gonna stay. I'll stay here.

"Miss Love. We are not. And your father and mother states in their will, that you must stay with their best best friend, Olivia and Michael Collen. You are gonna leave in 2 hours, so you better get ready.

Wow. Did he just say my parents are dead. I run upstairs and break down. Sean would have been comforting me but he was stupidly in love with his girlfriend that he would do anything to go. I go get ready and wipe. My tears away.........uh....the Collen. Wait they are mom and dad's famous friends. They are the ones on tv. Omi.....

Hi guys. This is "living with the Collen Brothers" and I hope you continue to read. I actually got inspired by my aunt and uncle. Well not really. They have so many kids that you can't count them. No I'm kidding but. Yeah. I hope you guys enjoy the story. Their might be sequel or some thing after this story. I don't know. We'll just find out how it goes.

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