10 years later

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           I sit next to Joy as everyone finshes introducing themselves to the screaming sergent. I chew my bread making the taste last longer. Joy is 12 years old now. She's taller than me now with long black hair and big sparkly eyes. She starts to talk to the people who're at our table. I lay my jead in my as I chew. "Not talkative either, huh?" I hear. I turn my head to rhe side and a girl with long, light brown hair, and almond eyes smiles back. "Nah, just no one to talk to." "Well, you got someone to talk now. Name's Maddie." She holds out her hand. I take it and say,"Amanda." We chat about where we're from and other things. After dinner is finish, we clean up and get ready to go to sleep. We stay up much, because I fall asleep easily, so I go to bed early. Before I fall asleep I realize I made a friend.
                  *the next day*
I wake up early and get ready. I see Maddie and go to her and say," 'Morning." She yawns and says,"Good morning." We get breakfast and sit at the table we sat the day before. "Hey,"she whisper to me,"do you notice all the guys are staring at you?" She says. I look around and she's right. All the guys are looking at me."Oh well, I'm too old for them." "How old are you?"She asks. "30."I say.  Her jaw drops and she says,"Really!?!" I nod, my mouth full of bread. "You look younger than me!" She exclaimes. I shrug. "Why did you wait to be in the training corps for so long." She asks. "Because this was the year Joy could join." I say. "Why did you wait for Joy?" She says. "Because I'm her mother." Maddie looks so shock, that I ask if she's ok and she nods. "Wow. Just...Wow." Then the sergent comes in and yells that it's time to train. And that's how I start off.

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