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       I get a wet rag and clean the floor.
I work for Dr. Rod now.
It's to pay off the payment for the baby being born.
It's been two years since then.
I'm 20 now. The baby is 2.
I decided to call her Joy, because of her eyes. During the day I clean and organize Dr. Rod's office and where his patients get cured and my aunt takes care of Joy.
She said would've taken her in, but she doesn't have enough money to feed another mouth. Dr.Rod has been giving me some weird looks since I started working here.
I just ignored them for most of the time. I'm also close to finishing my debt. After that I'm going to ask if I can work here.


Knock! Knock!

I get up and open the door. It's Dr. Rod. I move to let him in.
I just finished cleaning in time. I look outside and it's late afternoon.
I get my stuff and get ready to leave. I feel a tug on my hand. I look behind me and Dr. Rod is there. How stupid of me, of course he's going to be there, he's the only one there.
He grabs my shirt and pushes me to the wall.
I smell alochol on him. I move my head to the side.
"It's time for me to leave." I saiy calmly.
"Don't leave," he says drowsily,"I want you to stay."
He grabs my hips and tries to kiss me. Luckily I dodge, but then he grabs my shirt and clutches my buttons, ripping some off and pushes me to the ground. My hand frantically tries to find something, anything to use against him. My hand finds a thick piece of glass of a vase I forgot to clean up after it broke.
I smash it on his head. He turns, grabbimg his head and screams in pain. I take this as the opportunity to run.
I go to my aunt house and tell her everything.
She thinks and say I have to go to the underground. She says that Dr.Rod has friends in the MPs and they won't believe me. So she gives me a small bag with a bit of money and two loaves of bread.
I grab Joy and say goodbye to my aunt.

And then I go to the UnderGround.

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