A Few Years later

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I hear a scream as I read my book. I get up, quick as lighting.
"Amanda!Go get the Doctor!" Yells my mother.
I run out and catch a glimpse of my mother. She's heaving and pale. My eyes widen in fear and causes me to go even quicker.


The door of my mother's bedroom opens and Dr. Rod beckons me in. He looks at me with pity in his eyes.
"I'm sorry to say, but unfortunely your mother didn't survive the birth." I could feel the tears in my eyes, but I hold them back, refusing to cry.
I decided not to cry in front of people when my sister died.
"...but the baby did survive." He added gently. I blinked, my tears drying immediately. He goes into the room and a second later comes out with a purple bundle.
It's the baby. With gentle hands he hands it to me, this tiny child looks healthy and alive, their cheeks a rosy pink.
It yawns and opens it eyes. They're stunning. One eye is hazel and the other is a light blue. But they both sparkle as it looks up at me.
The baby smiles and reaches out at me. My eyes widen in surprise and I smile despite of myself.
The doctor looks at me with pity again, and my smile slips from my face.
"I'm very sorry, but without having a guardian over eighteen, this child will probably be killed off due to not having a parent."
At the look of horror he comes up with an idea.
"How about you be the mother." He suggests
"What?" I exclaim. "What do you mean!?!"
"I mean that the MPs will take pity on you because you had a child at such a young age." I look at the baby and ask. "What gender is it?" He looks surprise and says
"It's a girl." I look at him and think hard. Should I do this? I'm poor and now on my own. I sigh and come to a conclusion.

"I'll do it."

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