Chapte one/ telling mrs.hudson

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You were in your flat solving a case when you heard john walk in he made his way to sherlocks flat. You heard sherlock and john talking about best man probably asking sherlock to be his best man knowing sherlock he wouldn't understand at first but would later realize it.

You solved the case just as sherlock opened your door quite loudly knocking some papers down "y/n I need help john has asked me to be his best man" he says as he throws himself onto your sofa "just say how much you care and treasure him it'll be easy plus shouldn't you ask Greg his a men" you say wanting him to leave you alone lately you've want your space.

" I guess but I don't want to see him plus your smarter" he says as he moves down sitting behind you "ohh can I help you with the case" he asks as he leans on to your shoulder and wraps his arms around your waist " I already finished I'm just trying to clean up" you say not to rudely but you didn't want him back although the affection he was showing you was quite hard to resist.

You and Sherlock have been in an unofficial relationship for some months now and you two would like to think nobody knows but Mrs.hudson and John aren't that dumb.

"I'm hungry do you want to go and eat something" you say to Sherlock as you pick up the last of your papers "sure what do you want" he ask cause he's not hungry after all his a "sociopath" he doesn't need food "I'm craving something sweet like cake or those cookies Mrs.hudson makes" you say suddenly unrealistically happy over the thought of food you jump up with excitement "do u want to see if she has some or maybe she can make some for you" he says getting up and helping you put all the papers on your table.

"Let's go love" he says putting his hand out for yours. As you get on your tiptoes to give him a kiss "love you" you mutter you both have been whispering things like I love you to each other neither of you want to acknowledge for fear of awkwardness so your plan is to whisper it until it feels fully natural and you can tell him whenever you want.

He opens the door for you and you let go of his hand and skip all the way to Mrs.hudsons flat "Mrs.hudson" you say knocking at the door "are you here" you say opening the door and you see her walking into her kitchen you and Sherlock enter Sherlock behind you "ummm we were wondering" you say quit shyly "if you have any of your cookies you bake that y/n really likes" Sherlock says and you can't help but smile and feel some what proud and so happy "of course dear sit sit I actually just finished baking some I was waiting for them to cool off before bringing them to your flat I saw you were working on a case" she says ushering you and Sherlock to sit on her breakfast table while she brings out the cookies you've been craving basically everyday for the past few weeks.

"So what's new with you two" she ask you and Sherlock can both tell what she's trying to get out of you but you two haven't even made it official how are you suppose to tell other people you ignore the question. the cookies far more interesting then you and your relationship with Sherlock.

"Me and y/n are in a relationship" you hear Sherlock say but you don't fully comprehend what he was saying until Mrs.hudson started congratulating you two.

"I'm so happy for you you two make such I cute couple I mean I already had my suspicions you to were dating but now" and you spit out the milk you had just taking a sip of. "Umm excuse me" you say and start cleaning the mess you made.

you eye Sherlock and he proudly smiles and shrugs his shoulder quite please with himself "ohhh dear are you okay" Mrs. Hudson says taking the napkin from your hands and sitting you back down so she could clean your mess "yes quite jolly" you say while throwing daggers at Sherlock "but I have to get going I have to go give lestrade the files" you say getting up you excuse your self and go back to your flat to get your files "I'll go with you" Sherlock says letting him self out and saying something along the lines of "I can't let her go anywhere alone like that" which Mrs.hudson laughs at before giving him a basket with your cookies.

"Y/n love" he says ones you two are in the cab and on your way to the yard "are you mad" he says looking at you with pleading eyes trying to make you feel better by petting your hand he really doesn't know how to sentiment (that was meant to be a joke) "nope" you say way to cheery "okay" he says questionly your always so hard to read "so what are you" he says trying to figure out if your actually angry wondering if he should give you one of the cookies sitting on his lap to make you happier "I don't know" you say cause you know your not mad at him but you aren't over the moon about his previous decisions

"I don't know I really love, I love you so much I can't even explain and I'm glad you love me enough or at least care about me enough to tell mrs.hudson we're a thing which by the way I'm pretty sure she's calling John to inform him but I don't know I don't hate you for it I guess it just surprised me cause I'm happy we're in a relationship but we've basically been in a relationship for months now" you say wondering if he understood you since you were talking quite fast "okay" he says graving your face with both hands "I love you" he says looking straight into your eyes.

You smile that smile you did right there, he realized that's one of the many reasons that he was falling in love with you "I love you two" you says "good" he says with the widest may I add scariest smile "good" you say stealing one of the cookies.

Sherlock dad???????Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon