Chapter three / I think he knows

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You awoken from a nap, realizing you are laying on your couch and memories coming back to you.

You had been laying with Sherlock,  John knows or maybe he doesn't and Mrs.Hudson definitely knows. And of course you cried in front of Anderson, before you continued to think about events you wish never happened you decided to drink some juice. You make your way to the fridge and realize you are out of juice and some other things.

So of course the most reasonable thing to do is go to the store and get some. You make your way to your door and put on your jacket grab your keys and a few other necessities like your wallet and phone.

As you lock your door Sherlock is ruing down the stairs a confused John behind him ones John gets to your level and sees your puzzled face he just says "new case" you open your eyes to signify your new realization. You turn back around to lock your door and there gone.

You peacefully make your way to the corner store to get a few things thinking about how nice it would be if John and everyone else knew. But with that thought came the feeling you got when other people knew about your relationships maybe it was the fear of being laughed at or taunted and made fun of for liking something or in this case someone a way others couldn't or wouldn't. But would it really matter if you and Sherlock could be open and in love to the world.

Are we even in love, is this just a thing I mean I feel like I love him and like he loves me but we haven't even admitted out loud or to our selves am I just another experiment and how does he love me if he's not even capable of love.

But before you continued your self destructive thoughts you realized you were about to pay for your items.

You set the items down to pay exchange a few polite words with the cashier and soon enough you were done and on your way back to 221C.

You were ready to unlock the door reaching in your pocket for your keys. When the door open for you "darling your back" Sherlock said as he kissed the top of your head and helped you into your flat while taking your groceries and setting them on your kitchen counter.

You saw John with a stupidly wide grin on him as you closed your door and turn back around to your uninvited guest. Well now John knows even if he didn't he wiggles he's eyebrows in response and all you could do was laugh at him.

Sherlock came running back to the living area "so I need help with this case we got a few clues but it's to late for anything else and I'm a little stumped" Sherlock says as he goes and sits on the floor in front of your coffee table that now has all type of information scattered about. You went to sit directly in front of Sherlock but besides John as to not block his view you would really be blocking to much as he was on the couch and you on the floor. "So when we're you two going to tell us about this" John points with his hands proceeding to ignore Sherlock as you usually do he'll figure out whatever he wants to figure out eventually and with out your help.

Which is when you turn your self around now to face John with another puzzled and threatening look "what thing" "ohhh come one y/n you can't tell me there's something going on here, he just kissed you on the head and," he stops himself before he can continue you "and???" You ask him wanting to know what he was going to say next "the way he looks at you and the way you shine when he's near" he tries to save himself "no, that's not what you were planing on saying" he just looks at you debating if he should say it or not how mad could you be "I won't leave this topic until you tell me" you say to get him to talk he responds in a very low whisper "Mrs.Hudson told me earlier" he continues to get louder as he tells you they already had there suspicions but weren't too sure. "Hmmm okay" you say you can see John ready to complain and he does get his sentence started before Sherlock stands up and interrupts him "I got it but we can't do anything about it until tomorrow so we should go to sleep ... to be ready for tomorrow"

John is the first to stand up and takes a few steps "come on" he says as he turns a little to face Sherlock and gestures for them to get going "well I assumed since you know about y/n and me I would just stay here tonight instead of sneaking ones you have fallen asleep" John just blinks very dramatically and does a full turn to look at the both of you "you two have been sneaking around like teenagers instead of admitting to your self and the rest of us you are romantically involved" he almost sounds like a father disciplining his children "mhhhm" you say very proudly just to make him mad "okay," he says very calmly before he continues "I will not tell anyone of your relationship as long as you two want if it really bothers you and I guess I will see you tomorrow ... the both of you" he adds at the end as he turns around to leave " thank you" you say smiling at him knowing he will turn around to see you "do you want to to make breakfast tomorrow or shall I" you ask him before he's fully out "I can make it" he response back to his normal tone

Sherlock leads you to your bed you wonder why he hasn't talked yet maybe he's still thinking on his case but at least he sleeps now.

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