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This is RoadTrip. The've gone back to their old school. RoadTrip is a famous, five-piece, British boy band. Their names are Andy Fowler, Rye Beaumont, Brooklyn Wyatt, Jack Duff, and Sonny Robertson. They all met in their senior year of high school, and that was also the year they formed their band. 

They all walk around the halls looking at old trophies and classrooms. They found the game room, which included ping-pong, and a pool table. Honestly, they had a really cool school. Although they haven't been back here in years, they still remember every single thing. 

Andy always spent time with his principal, Mr. Dreelan. They were basically best friends. Even though it is kinda weird to befriend one of your authorities, Andy didn't have any friends until he met his future band mates. Mr. Dreelan understood that, also having the same problem in high school, which is why he let Andy spend all that time in his office. And just because Andy had no friends, never stopped him from going to every party. He loved getting drunk, because that was the easiest way to forget his loneliness.

Jack, (unlike Andy) barely ever talked with Mr. Dreelan, never really thinking it was necessary. Instead of the principals office, Jack liked spending his free time in the library. He wasn't smart if that's what you were thinking, because that's very incorrect. He's never even read a single book in his life, unless it was filled with pictures. He just always needed a quiet place to sit and think with himself, and the library met all of his requirements. 

Sonny wasn't really known for academic things in school, but he was always known for his personality. He was the nicest boy you could ever meet, despite being in the popular crowd which was full of snotty bitches and good for nothing jocks. The only reason he was even in that crowd was because he was a star basketball player. But he never let his friends influence him into being a bad person. He was always there for you, and was the easiest person to talk to, which is why everyone loved him.

Brook didn't really remember many things from school, because he was rarely there. Yeah, he came some days just to watch a certain someone at his football games (not gonna say who, hee hee), but that was about it. He also came to school events, but when it came to class time, he was out. He always made sure to attend the schools disco which happened every Thursday. That was the only thing at school that he really cared about. His parents were rich and were never home because of business. They didn't care about Brooklyn much, so if he skipped school, they wouldn't know, or care for that matter.

Rye was very popular. Everyone liked him. All the girls drooled over him, all the boys wished to be him, and all the teachers loved him. He didn't have the best grades but he was able to keep a GPA over at least a 2.5. I guess you could say he used his charm to get what he wanted, so in a way you could say he never really achieved anything in school. Everything was always just handed to him. At the time he loved it, but now that he looks back he wishes he could've achieved something on his own. 


"Hey guys, sit down for a sec," Alex, RoadTrip's filmographer asked the boys as they walked into the disco room. They all sat down in a circle waiting for Alex to tell them why he wanted them to sit down. 

They had just finished filming they're cover of the song Eastside by Benny Blanco, Khalid, and Halsey. So, they were wondering why they we sitting down instead of going home. 

"What is it, why are we sitting down?" Rye asked, wanting to go home since he still had a cold from at least a week ago when they recorded this song.

"You guys never told me the epic love stories, and how you guys all met and formed the band in high school. So being here, made me want to hear the story!" Alex exclaimed.

"You wanna hear the whole story?" Andy asked surprised, because no ones ever asked him about his high school experience before. 

"Yes," Alex responded. 


"Everything." Groans were heard around the room.

"Well if you guys are groaning so much then maybe you could help me tell the story." Andy suggested, honestly not really caring how long the story took.

"Fine whatever makes this go faster," Sonny said.

"Ok, I'll go first," Andy said excitedly. Alex had a bright smile on his face. "it all started when......."


YAY IVE BEEN WAITING SO LONG TO POST THIS!! See I'm not a very brave person, so it took a lot for me to put my other story on hold. I didn't want to be posting two stories at once, so I decided that I would wait until I finished Numb to start posting this one. But, then Numb went downhill and I ended up putting it on hold, so here we are! 

I really hope you guys liked the start to this story! 

Published: January 4th, 2020

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