Part 1: Andy

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"Oh, hi Andy," Mr. Dreelan says as I walk into his office. It's a Monday morning and I had just arrived at school an hour early so I could catch up with Mr. Dreelan. He and I have become pretty close in the first semester of school. Now that it's the second semester I practically spend all my time here with him. 

"Hi Mr. Dreelan, anything on the agenda today?" I asked as I sit down as Mr. Dreelan opens his laptop, probably checking emails or something.

"Wait, so you were best friends with your principal? That's so lame, I'm sorry Andy but how lonely were you?" Alex teased.

"Ok can you like shut up and let me tell the damn story? Because for your information I actually did have friends if you let me tell the freakin story!" Andy exclaims. He knows Alex was just joking but still, he hasn't even been talking for 30 seconds, and Alex is already interrupting! 

"Ok, sorry. Continue," he mumbles.

"Umm, no, not that much to do today. What about you? Have you made any new friends?" Mr. Dreelan asks. 

I roll my eyes at his question, because I know he already knows the answer. He asks me almost everyday if I had found any new friends, and almost everyday I have the same answer: no. 

"No Mr. Dreelan, I haven't gotten any friends," I sigh. 

"Well Andy, maybe try talking to Sonny Robertson, although he may be a little too tall to see you." I chuckle at that, Mr. Dreelan always has a good sense of humor despite being a principal.

"Thanks Mr., but I don't think a very popular basketball jerk would ever want to talk to me."

"Ok now don't talk about Sonny like that. The few times he's been in my office he was actually very nice. Don't judge 'em if you've never even talked to him," Mr. Dreelan warns, he's always about 'positivity and good vibes' and he hates it when people judge others. 

"Ok, fine. I guess, I'll try talking to him at the disco tomorrow." 

"Yay! You're finally getting out of your shell! Now go on Andy, I don't want you to be late for class," Mr. Dreelan says right before the bell rings for first period. 

I head out of his office and down to my locker to get the books and things I need for my first period. I have science first period, with my teacher Mr. Bloom. I'm pretty good at science, not the best, but I'm good enough to keep an A for a while. I like Mr. Bloom, he's a very nice man (unless you get on his bad side), never yells at me, gives reasonable amounts of homework, etc. etc.. But, the only bad thing about his class is that it has all the rude, popular, bitches and the muscular jocks that like to beat up small people like me. And when I say small, I don't mean like 4'3 because I'm not that tiny. But, I am 5'6 with zero muscle, and compared to people like Sonny, who is a 6 foot tall basketball player........ yeah I'm screwed.

As such an easy target you'd think that I'd be beat up a lot. But, actually they just make fun of me more than do physical stuff. It does happen some times though, and it's the scariest thing ever. I have had my books slammed out my hand, my face shoved in my lunch, and my phone stolen a couple times. But I've never told, I'm not a snitch. I may not be able to fight, but I can handle it on my own.

I walk into Mr. Bloom's class and sit in the front row just like I do everyday. The back of the class is where all the popular kids sit so I stay at the front to avoid them at all costs. Since I arrived early today, there's only a couple other kids in the class, and Mr. Bloom hasn't came yet. I open my favorite book They Both Die At The End by Adam Silvera. It's a gay romance novel about two boys that have never met until the day that they are both gonna die. (You'd have to read the book to understand what that means) Why am I reading a gay romance novel you may ask? I'm gay. That's also one of the reasons I'm bullied, because apparently being gay makes you some type of 'parasite'. 

I continue reading my book until I hear my name being called. I look up to see that everyone is here and I assume the teacher is taking roll. 

"Here," I say as I raise my hand. Mr. Bloom looks down and marks something on the roll call paper and moves on to the next name. 

We start class and Mr. Bloom gives us our warm up which is usually a couple periodic table activities, then he has students come up to the board and answer some questions. I never raise my hand for that because I am extremely shy and couldn't handle being up there in front of 35 different people. It's so weird because in my mind I can cuss people out, and talk any way I want, but in real life I can't do any of those things. I've had very few friends because I'm always so scared to speak to other people. I find it much easier to talk to adults then to kids my own age. I may be a senior but I'm actually 16, because I skipped two grades in elementary school. I think I may be the second youngest in my grade. I forgot who the first is though. You know maybe I might actually consider what Mr. Dreelan said and try to make at least one friend. But it definitely won't be Sonny, he scares me-

"-Mr. Fowler!" Mr. Bloom yells. "Are you paying attention?"

"Y-yes sir," I stutter. Damn it! There it goes again! I've been trying for the longest time to get rid of this stutter. It happens whenever I'm nervous, and I'm nervous all the time! 

"No you weren't, because I asked you twice to pass out these worksheets to the class and you just sat there staring at your fingers," he says.

"I'm s-sorry," I say before getting up and walking to his desk to get the papers. 

This is my worst nightmare. Not only was that so embarrassing, but now I have to pass out papers to everyone and I know for a fact that Britt and Brett are gonna do something to me. Britt Bridgewood is the schools fuck-girl. She's very pretty, has huge boobs, and a huge ass, so she uses her body to get any boy she wants. Brett Bridgewood is her twin brother. Equally as attractive, and a football player. Also a fuck-boy and gets any girl he wants. They're both pretty much the same, with the same level of evilness. They have been picking on me since freshman year, and I've never been able to escape it. 

I walk over to the back corner of the class to see Britt & Brett, Sonny, Jack Duff, Rye Beaumont, and all of their minions. As I pass out the papers, Brett sticks his leg out and trips me, making me fall face first onto the ground. I taste blood in my mouth, and I know that I busted my lip. I get up and on my way up Britt somehow manages to put her gum in my hair. The whole room erupts into laughter except for a couple of nerds too intrigued with their work to bother looking at me. 

I run out of the room and straight to the bathroom because I know that the tears are gonna fall soon and it would just make everything that much worse if I cry in front of them. I look in the mirror and see that my lip is in fact busted. I reach up and try to get the gum out of my hair but it just won't budge. I start crying harder as I realize that I'm going to have to cut my hair in order to get this stuff out. 

Wow, what a great way to start my week.


Wow chapter one is quite emotional😭 But it'll get better soon, I added some things in my a/n at the beginning of the book, so if you could please go read that because I think it'll help you understand the story better. 

Published: January 5th, 2020

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