Chapter 24.

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Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight. It belongs to Stephanie Meyer. I only own Kaylee, her mother, and Ashley.

Kaylee didn't hit the floor, considering the fact that she was in a room full of vampires and her werewolf boyfriend. She woke up sitting on Jacob's lap, and he was sitting on the couch beside Bella. Jacob felt Kaylee begin to stir, and he kissed her cheek. "Hi baby, glad that you're back here with us."

She sat up slowly, leaning her back against his broad chest. Bella was watching Kaylee carefully, looking for a reaction. "Kaylee, I know that this probably looks bad, but it's not. I'm so happy. I'm going to be a mom to a beautiful little child." Bella said quietly, looking at Rosalie for support, who nodded in response. The other Cullens, however, didn't look as supportive. 

"Carlisle is going to take care of her. We have nothing to worry about, we know that he's the best doctor we could ever find." The beautiful blonde said, crossing her arms across her chest. Kaylee gnawed on her lower lip as a thousand thoughts ran through her mind. 

"Jacob, can I talk to you outside please?" Edward asked Jacob, who gently slid Kaylee off of his lap.

"I'll be right back baby." He promised, kissing her lips and going outside with the vampire. Kaylee remained seated on the couch, nervously glancing at Bella.

"Why are you already so big? You just went on your honeymoon .." She asked, fiddling with the fringe on the blanket that was on the couch.

"He grows a little faster than a normal baby. He's just special." Bella cooed happily, holding her stomach. She must have seen Kaylee's face, because she continued. "We haven't been able to check the gender, but I just know it's going to be a boy. My little EJ." She kept cooing, but Kaylee didn't say anything. Jacob came back in, and she reached out for him.

"I think we should go." Jacob suggested, and Kaylee nodded in agreement. Bella looked slightly hurt, but Jacob didn't seem to care. "Bye Bella. Hope you don't die." Jacob told her, grabbing Kaylee's hand and pulling her off of the couch. She waved at Bella as they left, but she probably didn't see because Jacob was moving so quickly.

They were silent when they pulled out of their driveway, but eventually Kaylee had to speak. "That thing is going to kill her." She gasped. Jacob sighed, shaking his head.

"I really don't think there's any way she can survive this. Edward told me when we went outside that he doesn't want her to have this thing. He knows it's harming her and he knows that it'll probably kill Bella. But she's so happy she's having his baby. It's what she wants." Jacob shivered as a tremor racked through his body, but Kaylee grabbed his hand to calm him.

The pair pulled into Emily's driveway, and everyone else was already there. She smiled warmly at them as they walked into her house, but her smile dropped when she saw their facial expressions. "What's going on?" She asked, and the guys rushed into the kitchen to hear the gossip.

Jacob explained everything. How Bella was thin and fragile while her stomach was large and still rapidly growing. He described the pained look that never left Edward's face as he watched his wife slowly waste away while his child thrived. The pack looked disgusted, and they snarled and growled throughout the story. When Jacob finished, Leah left the room, but Kaylee didn't think that anyone noticed. She slid out from underneath Jacob's arm, following her quietly outside.

"Leah, are you alright?" Kaylee asked. She was leaning against the railing of Emily's porch, her head held down.

"I'm a genetic dead-end." She told Kaylee, who furrowed her eyebrows. What was she talking about? "I can't have children." She said, her voice actually cracking. Kaylee walked up beside her quietly, leaning against the railing.

"Leah, you don't know that for sure. Just because you're the first female in the pack doesn't mean anything. You're not alone in this. I haven't told Jacob this yet, but the doctor told me that the chemo could make me infertile." She whispered, burying her face in her hands.

Leah sighed. "Kaylee, that's not always the case. You could be fine. You need to go to the gynecologist and talk to them about this, there are ways they can help. They can freeze your eggs." She suggested. Kaylee sniffled.

"I've always imagined myself with kids, you know? And now that I have Jacob, I want them even more. I want to have a beautiful family with him. I think he wants them too, and that's why I'm scared to tell him."

"Don't hide this from him. If anything happens and you can't have kids and he finds out that you knew, it's going to crush him. Tell him, go to the doctor, figure something out." Leah told her sternly.

Kaylee hugged her tightly, just for a few seconds, before pulling away and smiling at her. "You'll be a great mother." She told her, and Leah smiled a little. Leah may seem like a bitch, and sometimes she was just downright hellacious, but she could be a wonderful person at times. Kaylee was grateful to have her as a friend.

Kaylee walked back into the house, not saying anything when she saw the look on the pack's faces. "What's going on?" She finally asked, perching herself on Jacob's lap. He sighed. Sam was the one who spoke.

"If this thing poses a threat to the safety of Bella, we have the duty to eliminate it. It could kill her. And if anything like that were to happen, Edward would change Bella. We don't want that either." He explained, his voice exasperated. He was obviously so fed up with the situation.

"They're not going to let you kill the baby. Bella is happy. Rosalie is protecting her like she's her guard dog. Oh, no offense." Kaylee giggled at the reference, but then became serious again. "Edward looks like he's dying. It's killing him to see her like this, but I don't think he would let anyone harm the baby." Jacob interrupted her.

"I talked to Edward when I was at their house. He asked us, Kaylee and myself, to convince Bella to let them terminate this pregnancy. He said that he wants Bella to have children, but not if it's going to harm her like this. He even said that he would let me father her children. That's how desperate he is right now." Kaylee gasped loudly, feeling her blood begin to boil in her veins. 

Edward had the nerve to ask her soulmate to impregnate his wife? Kaylee was pissed. She was beyond pissed. Jacob, noticing how angry she was, held her tightly. "Don't worry, of course I told him no. You're the only woman I would ever want to have a family with." Kaylee's heart ached. She needed to tell him about her possible infertility, but how could she bring that up without breaking his heart? 

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