Chapter 4.

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"Who's Bella?" Kaylee asked. She noticed how everyone shared a similar look, and she turned to look at Jacob. She didn't think that he would ignore her if she asked. "Jacob, who's Bella?" He swallowed, and his body was shaking lightly.

"I'll tell you. Come on." He took her out onto the front porch and the two sat on the stairs. It was drizzling slightly, and he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her in tightly. "Bella was my best friend, and I thought that I loved her. She wasn't in love with me though, she was in love with someone that I just can't stand. I hate him. I asked her to pick between the two of us, and she chose him. Even after everything we had been through, she still chose him." His voice was bitter, and Kaylee's heart ached for him a little.

"Jacob, she's missing out. You are a wonderful person. You are handsome, and funny, and sweet. I love spending time with you. And just to make sure this is clear, I would never pick anyone over you." She said, looking in his big brown eyes.

His eyes flickered down to her lips and back up to her eyes, but her heart was pounding in her chest. She wanted him to kiss her. She just met this guy, and she already wanted him to kiss her. He placed one of his large hands under her chin, lifting it up gently. Her eyes fluttered shut on instinct, and she could feel his hot breath getting closer to her face.

"Jake!" A voice yelled out, and Kaylee opened her eyes to see a pale brunette running in their direction. She was wearing jeans and a rain jacket with the hood pulled up. She jogged over to the porch where the two were sitting and Jacob stood up. "Jake, I've missed you. I called Billy, but he said that you were at Emily's and I couldn't wait to see you." She glanced over at Kaylee and seemed to really notice her for the first time.

"Uh, hi there. My name is Bella Swan." She introduced herself. She was much more animated when she talked to Jacob.

"My name is Kaylee." She offered her a nice smile, not wanting to cause any trouble.

"Jake, can I talk to you for a minute?" She stepped off the porch and Jacob followed her, sending Kaylee an apologetic look. She watched carefully, but she couldn't hear anything. She kept looking over at Kaylee, and she assumed she asked him something, because he nodded. She smiled a wide smile and hugged him tightly. That's all Kaylee saw of their conversation, because their hug pissed her off.

Kaylee stood up and walked back into the house, the door slamming behind her. "LeeLee, what's he doing out there with Bella?" Embry asked. Everyone could see them outside because of the windows in the kitchen, and Jacob was looking around with a confused look on his face.

"I need to go home. I'm not feeling very well, Em." She told him. Emily hugged her tightly.

"Please, call me later if you need to. Embry has my number." Kim hugged her goodbye as well, and she waved at everyone else as she walked out the door with Embry. On the way to his little truck, Jacob intercepted her.

"Kaylee, where are you going?" He placed his hand on her head and brushed some of my hair back, but she pushed it off,

"Don't worry about it, Jake. I don't wanna be here." She said, mocking Bella by calling him that nickname. She wasn't holding anything against the girl, but Bella needs to realize that she can't keep screwing with his heart because it means that he'll be screwing with hers.

She hopped into Embry's truck and slammed the door, Jacob watching with a heartbroken expression on his face. Bella was standing beside her small rusty truck, and she waved goodbye to Kaylee. She pretended not to notice, instead fiddling with the radio dials.

"LeeLee, trust me, he doesn't like Bella anymore. You're the only girl for him." Kaylee sighed.

"It shouldn't bother me this much. I just really met him, why is he having this much of an effect on me?" She asked. She thought that she sounded pitiful, which she was not proud of. Embry, however, gave her a sly smile.

"Well, you'll have to talk to him about that. I know you'll forgive him, I know you better than anyone." He teased, and she smacked his arm lightly.

"I know. Thanks for bringing me home." Kaylee said, getting out of his truck and going in the house. Her mother's car wasn't in the drive way, but there was a little note stuck to the microwave door.

"Kaylee," it read, "I'm sorry that I had to leave before you got home. I have a few things to take care of. I cooked a lasagna, it's in the oven so it will stay warm. Make sure you eat enough, and pick out a movie for us to watch when I get home. I love you."

She had no idea what her mom could be doing. She had already gone grocery shopping for the week, and she normally lets Kaylee know if she goes out with a friend. She grabbed a plate out of the cabinet and cut herself a small piece of lasagna, which was her favorite food. It was going to be difficult to swallow, but she knew that she could do it if she was careful.

She ate slowly and carefully. By the time that she finished eating and washed her plate and put it away, her mom was walking through the door. "Hi sweetie! I'm glad that you ate. How was your day with Jacob?" Kaylee sighed, sitting back down on the couch.

She told her all about the almost kiss, and Bella Swan, and then she told her what Embry had said. She smiled at her daughter and placed her hand on hers. "Kay, sweetie, you're a catch. Jacob knows that. I think that it was all a misunderstanding, and you need to give him another chance." Kaylee hugged her tightly before picking up the remote, flipping through the channels to find something interesting to watch.

Little did she know, a large rusty colored wolf sat outside the house, his head resting on his large paws. The wolf howled sadly, listening to the stories his imprint conveyed to her mother. He would talk to her first thing tomorrow, because she needs to know how important she is to him.

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