Chapter 7.

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Chemotherapy was hell on her poor body. Kaylee was always exhausted, and her muscles were sore. She was nauseous almost all of the time, and she threw up most of what she ate. Her clothes hung off her thin body due to her weight loss. She has been going to treatments for about two months now, and she was thankful that she hasn't lost too much hair.

Jacob was there for Kaylee at almost every appointment, holding her hand. Her mom didn't come to the appointments as much because she had to work extra shifts. Kaylee tried to work as long as she could, but she's called in the last two times that she was scheduled to work. 

She told everyone about her illness not too long after her treatments began. Quil was the one who noticed that she was more fragile than normal.

\flashback begins\

"What's going on, Kaylee? You just don't look good." Quil said bluntly, watching her nibble at a very large and warm blueberry muffin Emily had just taken out of the oven. Kaylee sighed. She knew that she would have to tell everyone eventually, might as well tell them now and ruin the evening.

She was perched on Jacob's lap, and she could feel his body start to shake. She laid back against his chest, trying to calm him. "Well, I've had some trouble eating and swallowing, so I scheduled a doctor's appointment. I had a tumor in my throat, and they biopsied it. When the results came back, it was positive for esophageal cancer. That was the day I met Jacob. I started treatments about a month ago. That's why Jacob is always going to the hospital with me." Kaylee admitted, gnawing on her bottom lip. 

They all gave her sad looks. Of course Embry, already knew what was going on, considering he was still her best friend. He had only been to one of her appointments, and it was because Jacob said that there was something super important going on and he couldn't make it.

Emily was teary, as was Kim. Leah actually looked pitying. The guys loved Kaylee like she was their sister. They made her feel like part of their family.

"Kaylee, if you need anything, anything at all, let any of us know. We will do anything we can to help you out." Sam said gently, making everyone else nod in agreement. She felt her eyes well up with tears. Everyone was so compassionate and genuinely concerned.

Emily always made food and sent it over to Kaylee's house. She would eat what she could, which was never much, but her mother appreciated it since she was working all the time. They were the best friends that a girl could ask for.

\flashback over\

To Kaylee, Jacob was perfection. He held her when she would cry because she was tired of being poked and prodded almost every day. He let her sleep with her head on his chest and his warm arms wrapped tightly around her cold, thin body. He held her hair while she threw up and comforted her when she was just upset or depressed.

That was another thing that she had been struggling with since she started treatments. Depression. It was terrifying. She hated being alone because she would get so caught up in her feelings. When her mother wasn't at home, she was normally with Jacob. If she wasn't with him, she was usually curled up at Emily's. That woman had practically became her second mother.

"Baby, how are you feeling?" Jacob asked Kaylee quietly, stirring her out of her daydream. She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts.

"I'm fine, just tired." She curled closer to his warm body. Her mom was at work so it was just her and Jacob at her house. They ate chicken noodle soup and watched Grey's Anatomy reruns. He snuggled her  close to him and it made her smile.

"Jacob? Why did you call Dr. Cullen a bloodsucker?" Kaylee finally asked, sitting her half eaten bowl of soup down on the table. He looked shocked.

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