Chapter 21.

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The day of Bella's wedding had finally arrived, and Kaylee was dressed in a simple light blue dress. Jacob wore black pants with a white button-down shirt, and Kaylee thought that he looked absolutely mouth- watering. "Are you sure that you want to go?" She asked Jacob, flattening down her hair in front of the bathroom mirror.

"I'm fine. I'm going to be with you and I'll be on my best behavior." He promised. Kaylee smiled at him and pulled him down for a sweet kiss. His large hands latched onto her hips, pulling her in for a deeper kiss. Billy cleared his throat from the doorway.

"You're going to be late." He scolded the two, making her giggle nervously. Kaylee knew that if she was late for Bella's wedding, she would murder her. She was probably already terrified about today because everyone would be watching her.

Kaylee smiled the whole ride to the Cullen's house. "Why are you so happy right now?" Jacob asked, placing his warm hand on her thigh while his other hand was on the steering wheel.

"I love weddings." She sighed dreamily. His face softened.

"Do you ever think about us getting married?" He asked Kaylee, his voice quiet.

"Of course! We'll get married in Emily and Sam's backyard, only if they didn't mind. Ashley would be my maid of honor, and Kim, Leah and Emily would be my bridesmaids. Claire could be our little flower girl. I'm not sure if my dad would be able to come and walk me down the aisle, but I would love it if he did. I think I would want it to be in the fall, after the leaves on the trees have begun to change color." Kaylee tapped her chin, trying to think of anything else.

"You're so perfect." Jacob said, glancing at Kaylee with warm eyes. She felt her cheeks heat up in response.

"I know that I want to be with you forever." She muttered, leaning over and resting her head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her in close. Embry and Ashley were already there, waiting on them to arrive. Embry was very reluctant to go, but Ashley was so excited to attend that he couldn't tell her no.

They were standing by his truck when Jacob pulled in, Embry's arm wrapped around Ash. She was wearing a purple dress, and Embry was wearing almost the exact same outfit as Jacob. "Hey man." Jacob greeted him, nodding and smiling down at Ashley. Kaylee hugged her tightly and then hugged Embry as well.

The guys looked awkward as they walked into the house, but Ashley and Kaylee were in such awe that they couldn't form words. The house was large and beautiful. The whole building seemed to be made of glass, and everything inside of it was so white. Incredibly white and clean. The wedding was supposed to be taking place outside, and Esme was directing people where to go. "Hi Jacob, Embry." She smiled softly at Ashley and Kaylee. "I know that you're Kaylee, but I've never met this young woman. My name is Esme Cullen." She held out her perfectly manicured hand and Ashley took it in hers.

"My name is Ashley. It's so nice to meet you." Esme directed the group outside, where they picked a pew near the back. Seth and Sue Clearwater found them and waved eagerly, coming over to sit with them. There was a decent number of guests. Most seemed to be Bella's family and friends, but Kaylee noticed that there were also a few more vampires than normal.

Jacob and Embry also seemed to notice the other vampires, but it didn't seem to bother Seth. He was smiling at Edward, who had just walked out to go take his spot at the altar. He was in a nice black suit, and he looked incredibly handsome. The dark outfit made his skin seem even paler, but it was a good contrast.

Rosalie was sitting at the piano, and she began playing a beautiful rendition of 'Here Comes the Bride.' Bella slowly made her way down the aisle, clinging on to Charlie's arm for dear life. Her dress was beautiful, made of lace. It clung to her thin body perfectly. She smiled at them as she walked by, and Kaylee gave her a teary smile back.

Edward was watching her with soft eyes, and Kaylee had a feeling that if he could cry, he would be crying right now. Mr. Weber was their officiant, and he smiled sweetly at the couple. Jacob seemed to be sitting rigidly beside Kaylee, so she leaned her head on his shoulder and smiled at him. He relaxed slightly, but he still focused a glare at the couple standing at the altar.

As the two said their vows, Ashley was sniffling loudly from beside Embry. Edward and Bella had changed, "Till death do us part," to "As long as we both shall live." It was ironic, but Kaylee also thought it was appropriate given their situations.

Mr. Weber announced the two as a married couple, and the two kissed passionately. Kaylee was wiping at her eyes when the newly married couple walked down the aisle together, and Bella reached out and touched her arm softly. Kaylee also saw her smile at Jacob, but she didn't look up to see his reaction.

The reception was held in the Cullen's house, where Edward and Bella shared their first dance. Kaylee danced with Jacob first, and then Embry, and she even shared a dance with Carlisle. He spun her around elegantly, and she threw her head back and laughed every time he did. Edward came up to Kaylee after she finished dancing with his father, and she gave the tall vampire a congratulatory hug.

"Would you mind if Jacob danced with Bella? I know that it would mean the world to her." Kaylee smiled.

"Of course, I wouldn't mind. I would never deny Bella anything on her wedding day." Edward smiled at Kaylee and went over to Jacob, whispering in his ear. Jacob nodded, and Edward whisked him away. Embry and Seth were nowhere to be found, so Kaylee gravitated over towards Ashley.

"Hey Kay! These are some of Bella's friends. This is Jessica, Mike, Angela, and Eric." Kaylee nodded and smiled.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Kaylee." She kept anxiously looking outside the door, missing Jacob's presence. She excused herself and went outside, wanting to see how everything was going. Bella was standing in an angry stance, and Jacob was shaking.

"Jacob! What's going on?" Kaylee shouted, but he ignored her.

"Bella, he's going to kill you! You don't need to go through this!" He yelled, but Bella shook her head.

"This is my decision! This is what I want! I trust him, he's not going to hurt me." Bella cried out, tears starting to flow freely. Kaylee rushed over to them, but Edward and the pack had already intervened.

Sam and Embry grabbed on to Jacob, pulling him away from Bella and Edward. The vampire had his arm wrapped protectively around his wife. "Bells .." Kaylee said, looking at the teary bride. Her makeup was still perfect, but her eyes were puffy and wet. Her cheeks were slightly splotchy.

She shook her head, not looking at Kaylee. Jacob really upset her. The boys were dragging Jacob away, and Kaylee chased after them. "Jacob, what did you say to her? This is her wedding day, damn it! You said you would be on your best behavior!" She exclaimed.

He pulled out of Sam and Em's grip. "She wants to have sex with him. While she's still human." He growled at Kaylee. She flinched back, but her temper reared its ugly head.

"Her sex life is none of your business! You don't need to be trying to control her! If she wants to have sex, let her have sex!" Jacob started shaking again, and Kaylee backed up fearfully.

"He's going to kill her." He growled louder, and Sam grabbed his shoulder roughly.

"What the hell is wrong with you Jacob? You're scaring Kaylee. Calm down. Now." He told him, his voice low with authority. Jacob hesitated for a moment, and then he looked at Kaylee with horror in his eyes.

"Kaylee, I'm sorry." She shook her head, her eyes welling with salty tears.

"I'm going back inside. I have a wedding to attend." She said, her voice bitter. She could see the regret in Jacob's face, but she didn't want to deal with his apologies right now. Kaylee sighed, pushing the door open and walking inside. She was going to enjoy the rest of the reception if it killed her.

(A/N: I did change a few things about the wedding, with the main thing being that Jacob was actually in attendance for the entire wedding. Hopefully everyone enjoys this chapter, and I'm so excited that we hit 10,000 reads!!!!) 

Her Guardian AngelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora