Chapter 6.

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Jacob was sitting outside of Kaylee's house before ten o'clock, so she got ready a lot quicker than she normally would. Once she was presentable, she opened the door and leaned against the door frame. "Good morning, Jacob." She said. He jumped up off the step and hugged her tightly.

"Morning, beautiful. Are you okay? It's okay if you're nervous." He assured her, kissing her temple.

"My mom is in the shower, she made some breakfast if you wanted any." Kaylee said, gesturing to the pancakes and bacon on the table. He shook his head, but she could hear his stomach growling. She grabbed a plate from the cabinet and gave him four pancakes and a bunch of bacon.

"Aren't you going to eat anything? You need to keep your strength up." He said, pouring maple syrup all over his pancakes. Kaylee sat down beside him and picked up a small piece of bacon and nibbled on the crunchy end. She was too nervous to really eat anything.

She heard the water turn off above them, and she knew that her mom was getting ready. "I'm just scared." Kaylee told him, feeling herself shiver slightly from nerves. He stopped eating and grabbed her hand.

"I know you're scared. Any one in their right mind would be scared of what you're going through. But you have me, and you have your mom. And I know that if everyone else knew, they would definitely be by your side the whole way." He brushed a piece of hair behind her ear and kissed her cheek.

Kaylee's mom cleared her throat from the bottom of the stairs. She was standing there watching the exchange between the two, a small smile spread across her face. "Good morning!" She said, walking to the kitchen table and sitting down across from Jacob. She made herself a little plate of breakfast and gave her daughter a look. "Have you ate anything?"

"Just a piece of bacon." Kaylee told her the truth. Her mom was worried that she was going to end up losing a lot of weight once she starts her treatment, and she had been trying to force feed Kaylee whenever she got the chance. 

"Make sure she eats. She needs to keep her weight and her strength up." She pointed her fork at Jacob, and he nodded seriously at her.

"I agree. I'm worried about her, too." He rubbed his thumb over Kaylee's hand. She rolled her eyes and grabbed another piece of bacon. Once they finished eating, her mom took the plates and put them in the dishwasher.

"Thank you for breakfast, Ms. Little." Jacob told Kaylee's mom, and she could've sworn it made her blush.

"Call me Brenda. Ms. Little makes me feel old." She said. "We need to get moving. Are you ready?" She asked Kaylee, her voice soft. She sighed and nodded. She would never be ready for this.

Kaylee told her mom that she wanted to ride with Jacob, and she seemed okay with it. A light sweat was breaking out across her forehead, and she felt sick to her stomach. She had Jacob's hand spread out on her lap and she was playing with his fingers. He kept looking at her out of the corner of his eye.

"Why are you doing this?" Kaylee asked quietly, not looking away from his hand.

"I'm doing this because I really, really like you. I will always be there for you." He said, pulling into the hospital parking lot.

"But why? You just met me." She leaned her head on his shoulder.

"I'll explain everything to you soon." He placed his hand under her chin and pulled her in for a sweet kiss. His lips, like the rest of his body, was running at a higher temperature than a normal person should. She was hoping that she would get an explanation for that, too.

Her mom knocked sharply on the window, making the two jump apart. She was standing outside of the passenger door, watching carefully. She waved at them impatiently.

The Forks hospital was freezing, and Kaylee automatically leaned into Jacob, and he put his arm around her shoulder. Everything was so white and clean. It smelled clean. There were nurses bustling along in colorful scrubs and patients in gowns shuffling slowly down the halls.

The cancer center was in the left wing of the hospital. Jacob pushed open the doors and held them open for Kaylee and Brenda. Kaylee felt so foreign in here, like she didn't belong. A small woman sat at the receptionist's desk and she smiled at them.

"Hi sweetie. Is this your first time here?" She asked. Her voice was soft. Kaylee nodded and the receptionist handed her a few sheets of paper. "I just need you to fill these out and then we'll get you started." Kaylee couldn't seem to come up with anything to say, so she just nodded again and sat down between her mom and Jacob.

Jacob looked stiff and uncomfortable, and he kept looking around, like he was looking for someone. Kaylee looked over the paperwork, and it was all basic information and family health history. She filled everything out and took it back to the receptionist, and she gave her another sweet smile.

Jacob was shaking his large leg up and down, making Kaylee's chair and the floor shake along with him. He looked anxious as he stared down at her, and she placed her small hand on his cheek. "What are you thinking?" She whispered.

He looked pained. "I don't want you to ever have to suffer." Kaylee's heart tightened at his words.

"I'll be fine. You're going to be by my side every step of the way, and of course my mom will be there for me. The only way I would be suffering is if I didn't have you with me." Kaylee kissed the underside of his chin, making him shiver.

"Kaylee Little?" The nurse came out and called her name. She smiled at them as they all stood up, and she waved them back. There were other patients sitting back in the large room, some sleeping, some reading books. They had tubes connected to small machines that were attached to different parts of their body. Kaylee assumed that's where the chemo would go.

She took Kaylee past all of the patients, and they went into the office of the main oncologist. "Kaylee, how are you doing, sweetie?" She asked, hugging Kaylee. She hugged Brenda as well, and surprisingly, even Jacob.

"I'm okay." She told her, sitting down in a chair.

"She's not eating much." Her mother ratted her out to the doctor. Kaylee rolled her eyes and went to defend herself, but the doctor cut her off.

"That's understandable. It's probably her nerves. If you're really worried about her eating, we can schedule an appointment with a nutritionist. She'll be able to help you make a diet plan that will provide you with the nutrients that your body needs." Her mom looked pleased, so she knew that there was no point in arguing. Jacob held her hand tightly in his, squeezing it ever so often.

The doctor talked about how the rest of her appointments would go, because she wasn't receiving any chemo this time. She said something about needing a port first, which is how they would get the chemo into her body. 

"If you have any questions, you can call me anytime." She stood up, hugging Kaylee again.

"Okay, so now we need to go to the nutritionist and then we can go home." Brenda said cheerfully, rubbing Kaylee's arm.

"I don't need to go to the nutritionist, I'm eating fine." She scoffed. She just wanted to go home. Jacob's nose sneered up, and he looked around sharply.

His gaze landed on a tall, blonde man. He was ridiculously pale, and his skin could be compared to porcelain. He had dark purple rings under his golden colored eyes. Golden? Nobody has golden eyes.

"Carlisle." Jacob said curtly, nodding his head.

"Ahh, Jacob. What a surprise seeing you around here!" His voice was as beautiful as his appearance. "Who are these two beautiful women?" Brenda was blushing extremely bad, and Kaylee's own cheeks were a little hot.

Jacob looked like he wanted to say something smart but he held his tongue. "Kaylee Little, and her mom, Brenda." Carlisle looked pleased.

"This is the young lady that Bella was telling me about." Kaylee furrowed her brows. She wondered how Bella knew Carlisle. Jacob nodded again, not saying anything. "Well, I must go back to work. It was lovely meeting you two." Carlisle said sweetly before departing. Kaylee's mom was still embarrassed.

Jacob squeezed Kaylee's hand tightly. It was hard to make out what he was muttering, and she wasn't sure how to interpret what she thought that she heard. 

 "Stupid blood sucker."

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