Chapter 27.

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Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight, it belongs to Stephanie Meyer. I only own the characters of my creation!

Around three days later, Kaylee received a phone call from Jacob saying that Bella had woken up. Edward's venom had worked. She was lying in bed, just having went to a chemotherapy treatment, and she wasn't sure if she would have the energy to go see her. "I can come pick you up. We won't stay long, and Carlisle will be there if you need anything." Jacob insisted, and Kaylee finally agreed.

"Well, is it safe? I mean, she is a newborn .." She said. Kaylee didn't want her blood to make her friend uncomfortable. She knew that newborns were much more volatile when hungry then a seasoned vampire. Jacob was silent for a minute, and she knew that it was because he was contemplating what she had said. Her safety had to come first, no matter what the cost.

"Bella wouldn't hurt you. We'll all be there to keep you safe. You know I wouldn't let anyone ever hurt you." He reassured her, his voice soothing. Jacob told Kaylee that he would be at the house soon to get her, and she slowly drug herself out of her warm bed. Kaylee was tired and worn down, and her legs and arms felt like noodles. She slipped on a pair a sweatpants and a plain shirt, putting on a pair of Vans and a hoodie.

Jacob arrived at her house quickly, and together they sped off towards the Cullen's house. Jacob acted calm, but Kaylee noticed the way his hands clenched around the steering wheel.

The Cullens were already outside when Jacob pulled into the driveway. Bella was wearing a skin tight blue dress, and her skin was extremely pale. Her head whipped in their direction, and Kaylee made eye contact with her beautiful red eyes. She was apprehensive when they pulled in and parked. She was nervous to get out of the car.

Jacob bounded out of the car, running right to Bella. Kaylee hesitantly opened the car door and walked to her slowly. She sniffed the air gently, before smiling at her. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. No offense, but your blood doesn't smell too good." Bella told Kaylee, wrapping her arms around the sick girl gently.

"I just had chemo this morning." Kaylee explained tiredly, her eyes feeling puffy and heavy. Bella gave her a compassionate look, and Carlisle came over and carefully placed his hand on Kaylee's shoulder.
"Let's go inside. You can lay on the couch, it is large enough to comfortably lay on. I will also get you some toast. It isn't much, but it will help settle your stomach and make sure you have a little bit of something in your stomach." He told Kaylee, leading her into the house. She smiled at him weakly and followed, lying down on the couch.

Carlisle brought her two pieces of toast along with a cup of ice chips, which she took happily. Kaylee sat up and wrapped herself up in the large blanket thrown over the back of the couch. He handed her the remote, made sure she did not need anything else, and returned outside to his family.

Kaylee laid on the couch for around an hour. She ate her toast slowly, sucked on her ice chips, flipped through the hundreds of television channels, and then laid down for a nap. She was awoken by a loud whooping sound, and she jumped up, wondering what was going on.

Bella was standing over a large pile of rubbish, something that once looked like a boulder. Renesmee was in her arms, holding a piece of rock in her tiny hand. She was staring hard at it, her eyebrows furrowed. The rock ground into dust, and she held it up to show everyone. And then she noticed Kaylee.

Bella walked over to her with the small girl in her pale arms, and Renesmee reached out for Kaylee. She rested her tiny, surprisingly warm hand on her cheek, and Kaylee gasped at the images that were assaulting her mind. She saw Bella giving birth, the taste of the blood Renesmee tasted when she bit into her mother's flesh. She saw Edward's face as he rocked her to sleep. She saw Jacob watching her play with intrigue. And then she saw herself walking out of the Cullen's house. Kaylee noticed her hair looked thin and scraggly, and her clothes looked extremely baggy and hung off her thin body. She grimaced and pulled back.

The small girl smiled at beautifully, and Kaylee could not help but smile back. Jacob wrapped his arm around Kaylee and kissed her lips. "Nessie is pretty awesome, isn't she?" Bella growled, and Kaylee jumped back, not used to the terrifying sound. Jacob grinned. "Bella doesn't like my nickname for her kid. But Renesemee is a mouthful, Nessie is so much easier to say." He said.

Bella snarled again, and Edward rolled his golden eyes. Kaylee nestled her head into Jacob's side, and she smiled when he pulled her into his body. The heat radiating off his body was soothing. The beautiful baby girl was walking steadily and quite gracefully across the yard, and everyone was watching her adoringly.

"I love you." Jacob told Kaylee, kissing the top of her head. She giggled like a love-struck school girl.

"I love you." She told him. They all watched Renesmee play for the longest time, until Kaylee was finally just too tired to stand. They exchanged goodbyes with the Cullens, and Kaylee curled up in the passenger seat of Jacob's Rabbit. The heat blew gently out of the vents, blowing her wispy hairs around her face.

"We need to get you home, you're exhausted." He told her, rubbing her knee gently. Kaylee nodded, leaning her head against his shoulder and closing her eyes. They pulled into her driveway and Jacob helped her into the house and into her soft bed.

"I wish you weren't sick." Jacob said quietly, brushing a loose piece of hair behind Kaylee's ear. She nodded in defeat.

"Me too." Her words were slurred due to her exhaustion, and Jacob pulled the warm blankets over her shoulders.

"I hate seeing you like this. It kills me. I just want you to be happy and healthy." He told Kaylee, the sadness in his voice making her sigh and sit back up.

"Jacob, just because I'm sick does not mean that I'm unhappy. I am very happy because I have you in my life. I love you more than anything in the world." Kaylee told him, wrapping her tiny arms around his huge body. He was silent for a minute before he sighed, relaxing in her arms.

"I'm so damn lucky to have you." He breathed into her hair, stretching his large body out on her bed and pulling her close. She curled into his body and quickly dozed off, Jacob following suit and closing his eyes. The only sound in the room were their quiet snores, and when Kaylee's mother opened the door to check on them, her heart swelled at the sight. She pulled the door behind her and let it quietly click shut, and she let her daughter get the rest she needed.

A/N: I'm so sorry it's been so long since I've updated! I worry that this story is just not what I imagined, but I don't want to give up on it. I hope everyone is still enjoying the story, and I'd love it if you all would drop some comments telling me what you're thinking! Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2021 ⏰

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