21. Kian, I Have To Tell You Something

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Brenna's POV

I slowly closed the bathroom behind me a took a deep breath.

I took the boxes out of the bag and set them on the bathroom counter.

"Okay" I whispered to myself as I took the first test from the box.

I peed on the stick then I did it to 4 more tests.

I left the bathroom for a little bit while the tests were still testing my pee.

I went down the long stair case and out my front door and sat in a rocking chair on my front porch.

I watched Kian pull into the driveway. He stepped out of the car with a chipotle bag in his hand.

He sat in the chair next to me.

"You hungry?" he asked with a quiet tone.

"Yeah, a little" I said while he handed me a burrito. "thanks."

"Welcome... so ah are you pregnant?"

"I don't know. I was waiting for you." I replied before taking a bite of my burrito.

After I finished my food Kian grabbed my hand and lead me upstairs to the bathroom.

Before we walked in Kian said "whatever happens, I'll be here for you. I love you Brenna. more than anything in the world!"

"Thanks." I whispered "I love you too!"

Kian kissed my cheek and we walked into the bathroom.

I looked at the 5 test lined up.

"Positive, positive, positive, positive, and positive.." I trailed off.

"I'm pregnant Ki." I cried out.

He pulled me into a tight hug "we can do this, were 18, I'll take online classes with you, I'll get a job, we can do this Bren! I promise, I love you so much baby!"

I wanted to say something back but I couldn't. I just cried, an cried, and cried.

"Hey, hey, look at me." Kian said while lifting me chin up to look at him. "we're fine, alright. come on let's get some sleep it's been a long day."

"Okay." is all I said and we fell asleep on my bed.. until I woke up to a loud noise from downstairs.

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