29. The Proposal

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Brenna's POV

"Nash!" I yelled from the kitchen over Connor screaming, "honey please come help me!"

I waited for five minutes and still no sight of Nash.

"Nash, baby where are you?" I yelled again.

I grabbed the pot of noodles and made my way over to the sink to drain the water. Half way to the sink I dropped the pot on the floor because I burt my hand.

"Fuck!" I screamed and Connor yelled louder.

I ran my hands through hair in frustration and stomped into the living room where Connor was. I picked him up and stuck the bottle in his mouth which made him stop crying.

Once he was finished, I burped him and laid him down in his pack 'n play to sleep.

Still frustrated; I stormed up the stairs to look from Nash. I found him asleep in our bed.

I smiled as my heart swelled with joy. I really do love this man. I shook his shoulder a little to wake him up.

"Baby get up," I said quietly.

He let out a soft hum as he opened his eyes and smiled at me.

"Hey baby. Everything alright?" He asked.

"Yes baby," I kissed his cheek, "how does pizza sound for dinner I kinda dropped the spaghetti on the floor."

He laughed at me, "yes baby that is fine."

"Okay well wanna watch a movie?" I asked.

"Of course, baby," I grabbed his hands to help him out of bed, "I love you so so much, Bren."

"I love you, Nash."


Nash's POV

I looked down to see a sleeping Brenna in my lap. She is so beautiful.

I rubbed my thumb across her cheek and then planted a kiss on her forehead.

She smiled and her eyes fluttered open, "hey baby."

"I love you," I said out of no where but I meant every word.

She giggled and sat up to look in my eyes, "I love you too."

And that's when I thought of it; I'm going to ask Brenna to marry me. I mean why not, we already have a kid, our own place, and I loved her with all my heart.

"We should go out tomorrow," I told her.

"I don't know, babe, what about Connor?"

"Sam or my mom could watch him, come on, B, we haven't done anything in a really long time."

She nodded, "okay!"


I decided when I woke up that I'd go buy Brenna a ring, and some groceries.

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