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August 12th, Monday

"You're coming with me, besides I'm pretty sure your moms are going to be okay with that", Bakugo said, sitting on my desk chair as he propped his legs up on the table.

I shrugged as I pulled out my phone, dialing in Ma's number. It rang for a few seconds before she picked up.

"Hey, Eijiro. How are you? When are you coming back?", she asked enthusiastically.

I chuckled as I sat on the edge of the bed, grabbing a few clothes and shoving them into a luggage bag.

"Well, I wanted to ask if it's okay for me to spend tomorrow night at Bakugo's house? I'll be back on Tuesday, Wednesday at best", I replied.

I can hear her smirk and her wink through the phone honestly. "Eijiro, anything you wanna tell me?", she asked slyly.

Bakugo got up from the chair and flopped onto my bed, listening in on the conversation between me and Ma.

"Uh... I'll take that as a yes. Thanks, Ma! Bye!", I replied, hanging up quickly.

World's Best Parents

Ma ❤️🌹 (Tsubaki):
So, do you have anything you wanna tell us? (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

Mom ❤️🔥(Moeru):
Eijiro, you can tell us anything. Don't leave us hanging like that.

He, uh... likes kisses before he goes to sleep?

Ma ❤️🌹 (Tsubaki):
That's great and all, but when are you going to bring your boyfriend home and make sure he's having the best time of his life?

Mom ❤️🔥(Moeru):
Love, dear, my flower, please.

"Is is Mrs. Kirishima #2 implying we're dating or...", Bakugo started, trailing off at the end as he stared at my phone screen, slowly becoming redder by the second.

"I hate you Kirishimas", he spat.

I grinned, he really enjoys leaving himself wide open. "Sure you do", I muttered, typing out a reply to my mom.

We aren't dating. Its just that I like giving him good night kisses, it's a friend thing between me and him.

Ma ❤️🌹 (Tsubaki):
Eijiro, you suck at this. Go get your man and bring him home.

Bakugo grabbed my phone and started typing angrily.

I'm not anyone's fucking boyfriend and I sure ain't your son's boyfriend.

Mom ❤️🔥 (Moeru):

...I hate both of you. 

Mom ❤️🔥 (Moeru):
No you don't, problem child.  

I chuckled before zipping up my luggage and leaning over to him to look at my phone.

Screw you shits, he's like a cute puppy. He'll be happy with whoever he chooses to date.

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