306 9 45

May 30th, Thursday

"Eijirou, honey. Stop pacing around the room. I just woke up a few minutes ago and you're making me dizzy".

A woman laid on the uncomfortable looking bed, pristine white sheets wrinkling as she shifted, sitting up to face me.

"But -", I stopped. I wanted to protest, but I flush that idea down immediately as she held up her index finger, silently asking me to stay quiet.

My mom smiled warmly while shaking her head and chuckling. "Don't worry, your Ma will be here in a few minutes", she said.

I bit my lip, gnawing at it as softly as possible, not wanting my sharp teeth to pierce the skin. Mom is a strong woman, so is Ma.

It was just an accident, but it comes with the job, it's unavoidable. A firefighter can't sprint into a burning building without the risk of being burned.

Her actions weren't futile though, the children got out safely with minor burns, unlike her.

The knocking of wood echoed throughout the room as the door opened. A woman in jeans and a biker jacket walked in while holding a paper bag.

"Hey Ma", I beamed.

She grinned as she placed the bag down onto the bedside table before giving me a hug.

"Hey, Eijiro. You've grown so tall! Why didn't you ever visit us, hm?", she said while patting my floppy gelled up hair.

I chuckled as we walked over to Mom's bed. I dragged up a chair from a small table nearby and sat down, leaning my arms against the bars that are attached to the bed.

"Moeru! You should've been more careful. Look what you got yourself into!", Ma yelled.

My mom huffed as she crossed her arms across her chest. "I'll heal Tsubaki, it's not like I jumped into lava...", she trailed off.

I smiled as I watched both of my moms argue. Although they argue about the dumbest things, they do love each other a lot.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I fished my phone out and stare at the screen. The words 'Blasty' flashed on my phone screen, his profile picture (which is his cat, I should add) showed as the background.

I answered the call as I walked out of the room, the door clicking shut behind me.

"Took you fucking long enough", he grumbled at the other end of the line.

I hear shuffling and a muffled ' thump ' and he groaned a little before he became quiet.

"Are you okay?", I asked, sitting down on one of the hospital chairs outside the room.

I can feel him shrug through the phone. Asking if he was fine is kind of a dumb question since he is straightforward about most things.

"How is your mom, Kiri? Heard she saved some kids on the news a few minutes ago. Also, come back here. Those 3 are like actual fucking children", he said.

I giggled at the fact that he just called Mina, Kaminari and Sero children as I hear him throw his pencil box (probably), on the desk.

"She woke up, thankfully and she's healing well... I hope", I answered.

He snorted before replying. "Instead of hoping, make sure she's healing fucking fine, you idiot".

I sighed. That rough voice that belongs to a certain explosive, red-eyed best friend always gets to me.

I opened the door and peeked my head in, putting the call on speaker and holding it above my head.

"Mom! Bakugo wants to know if you're healing fine!", I yelled.

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