6. Husband

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"Bitch, fuck off", someone says and suddenly there's a hand on the stranger's arm, pulling him back.

Yugyeom. He looks at namjoon apologetically and bows. "I'm sorry, namjoon", he says. "This is my boyfriend, Lim Jaebum. He doesn't mean any harm really. He just likes joking around with others and being a little bitch".

Ah. Namjoon understands, nods. He just got a bit shocked at Jaebum's unusual greeting. He laughs a bit, letting them know that it's completely fine.

"I'm sorry, namjoon-ssi. And as my sweetheart said, I don't mean any harm. Infact, jungkook is my bestie. I hope you don't mind me joking around with you", jaebum says, not looking sorry at all. On the contrary, he's smiling.

Namjoon can't help but smile back. "It's totally okay, jaebum-ssi. I was just taken aback a bit. You seem nice", he says honestly.

Jaebum and Yugyeom, both laugh heartily at that. "You don't know, Mr. Brother-in-law. We're really interesting once you get to know us. By the way, we should get going really. Gotta meet kookie. Please take care of him", Jaebum says, smiling kindly. Yugyeom smiles too, seeming less tough. He rests his head on his boyfriend's shoulder.

You two look so in love. Namjoon thinks.

"Oh, thanks", Yugyeom says, pulling namjoon out of his trance. Namjoon looks wide eyed at both of them.

Shit. I said that out loud, didn't I?

"No, you didn't. We can guess by your expressions, Namjoon-ssi", this time jaebum says it and they're both laughing softly.

Namjoon stares at them in pure bewilderment before rubbing the back of his neck and smiling sheepishly.

"Ah. Last thing before we head out", jaebum says, suddenly serious. Namjoon straightens up, his attentive face on. "We're not the kind to forgive and forget. We're the ones to fuck this and fuck that. So if you hurt our baby, we know where to find you", he finishes.

"Oh come on. He's just joking Namjoo-ssi. I'm sorry again. Enjoy your evening", Yugyeom smiles, pulling jaebum with him who's laughing hysterically.

Namjoon stares at them, straightening up once they're out of sight. He clears his throat and goes to his mother who's talking to jungkook and his mother. The younger looking bored as fuck.

"Hey, Joon. I think y'all can go now. I'll call the driver", his mother says, smiling. And it's kind of creepy because she never smiles. But he's glad that they're going. Jungkook's eyes crinkle up a bit as he gives a small smile, there's relief in it and namjoon feels these small butterflies inside his stomach.

Namjoon and jungkook bow to their parents and bid a farewell to all the guests before getting into the car as the driver drives off.

Through the whole journey, jungkook doesn't talk and just kind of stares outside the window, as if he's held in a trance. Namjoon can't blame him. Again, this was just a business marriage so it wasn't like they necessarily needed to get along with each other.

The drive is long and jungkook kind of dozes off in the seat. And Namjoon's not sure if he's allowed to touch him. Oh, fuck it. I'm his husband, now. I'm allowed to atleast take him to bed. He thinks to himself. He tries to wake him up first but soon gives up as he realises that his husband- sounds wierd- is a heavy sleeper.

He keeps one of his hands under Jungkook's knees and the other under is arms and lifts him up. He stumbles a bit and the driver giggles.

"You two are cute", she says. "Oh thanks, Clara", namjoon says, a bit flustered. He nods at her and she takes it as a cue for her to leave.

Namjoon somehow manages to get namjoon upstairs on his- on their bed and sets the boy on the mattress. He's shocked that he managed to get there without any harm because he's quite lanky and Jungkook's buff.

He looks at jungkook and gets an idea. The boy must be uncomfortable in those clothes. He bites his lip nervously. What can he do? He can't possibly change him into his PJs because they aren't really lovers or even friends.

He sighs. Going near the bed again, he slowly slides his blazer off. Then he undoes his belt and takes off his shoes. He doesn't go any far than that before closing the lights and whispering good night in a sweet, tiny voice.

He settles on the living room couch and he realises that through his whole time living in this house, he has never felt so lonely than what he's feeling right now. Because he has never had any guests other than his brother and brother-in-law and his nephew. Or maybe Jackson one or few times. But they cuddle when they're around and now that namjoon doesn't have anyone to do that anymore, he feels lonely.

When he used to live alone, he didn't feel lonely because there was really no one in the house so he couldn't expect someone to talk to him or just snuggle into him. But now that jungkook is going to live with him, he doesn't know how he'll manage being alone again.

He thinks he did a mistake. No, marrying jungkook isn't a mistake. But marrying jungkook just for some stupid business deal is definitely a mistake. The younger has never dated anyone and suddenly he's thrown towards Namjoon and is expected to take his responsibility as a husband.
Namjoon can't believe how hard it might be for him.

He sighs, closes his eyes and just lets himself go. For more than an half an hour, he's still thinking about his husband. He can't help it. The guilt in his chest is way too large.

He shifts to the side and kind of hugs the couch, it's weird but it's kind of of comforting in a sense. So, he chooses to ignore the awkwardness of his position and dozes off. All his thoughts about his husband, sinking with his sleep.

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