Chapter 15: Magnus Bane (Happy Ending) (Part 2)

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{there are multiple songs in thsi chapter so please listen to them in this order💖}
{1) Andrew Belle - In My Veins
{2) Ellie Goulding - Love Me Like You Do
{3) Sia - My Love

Magnus's P. O. V.

I was crying.

Only crying.

The tears rushing down my cheeks incredulously, unknowing how long I could handle with this  shattering pain any longer....

Thoes tapes....

Thoes tapes that my lover were speaking through....

I knew he was alive yet the pain that I felt was undescribable to know that I couldn't hold him in my arms, yet I could still hear his voice...

That voice that blew me off my feet...

That voice that could make so many butterflies flutter around my stomach, to many giggles to reveal themselves through my soul mate...

That voice that could break me in an instant...

All the pain from the outside world I couldn't bear any longer, my world shattering around me, all because of that one voice that I craved so dearly...


I heard that voice....

I heard that voice say that he was hear, that he was here, but he wasn't.... He wasn't physically here....

I wanted him....

Needed him.... 

Desperate for him to wrap his strong arms around me and hold my weak body in his embrace...

Thirst for him to tell me that he wouldn't leave me....

only stay with me...

I was gripping onto my fragile knees tighter, my nails harshly digging firmly into my pale skin, the pain rooting through my body exceptionally, yet the pain in my heart was the one that dug the most... Breaking my body as every second passed, needing my love to be here with me.... 

That was until I finally felt those two strong mascular arms wrap around my trembling broken body, my heart stopping...

I finally looked up.....

My gaze....

Meeting those multi-dimentional astonishing blue eyes that finally made me feel at home....

that rotting pain slowly disintegrating through my heart, immediately wrapping my arms around his neck and sobbing widely into his shoulder, burying my face into the crook of his neck, my heart pounding exhilaratingly through my chest, unable to control myself in such an emotional experience that was developing around me, myself unhurriedly feeling my heart leisurely heal back together, the dangerous world around fitting back around our bodies, nothing but us in our own little bubble, our world may be around us, yet we weren't paying attention to it, only us...

Me and my...


I whispered brokenly, clinging onto my Love with all my strength that I had left in my weak body, my soul mate wrapping his arms around my waist and holding me tightly in his embrace, terrified to let go

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