Chapter 13: Ragnor Fell (Part 3) (Happy Ending)

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(okay, I saw there would only be 2 parts to Ragnor's, but I couldn't leave it like that, hope y'all understand😘)

(song: Hurricane - Fleurie)

Magnus's P. O. V.


This couldn't be happening.

I saw him.

I really saw him.....

I rubbed my eyes, the tears welling, yet as I looked up.....

He was gone.....

I started to let my legs automatically take control, as I ran into the Bush, looking for Alec, standing in the spot where I saw him, yet... He was no where to be seen...

I let my knees fall to the ground, as I sobbed in my hands, no knowing what to do anymore, the pain to deep to describe.

I only wanted him back, and how my mind played tricks on me, the pain only dug deeper....

That was until I felt two strong arms wrap around my weak fragile body...

Alec's P.O.V.

I didn't say anything. I only let my strong arms wrap around Magnus's fragile body as I pulled him close to my chest, holding him in my embrace tightly "shhh, its okay, I'm here, I'm here" I whispered comfortingly to him, holding him closely, never wanting to let go.

I immediately felt Magnus sob in my arms, my heart beat smashing against my chest, as I held my lover tighter, wanting him to know I was here and I was protecting him.

" are you s-s-s-still h-h-here?....y-y-you died l-l-last n-n-night...." he sobbed harder, never wanting to except the fact that I died last night

"I know, I know, but i'm here now, okay, okay" I spoke softly to him, gently caressing Magnus's cheek with my thumb, as I smiled sadly at him, feeling the tears well im my eyes, feeling horrible that Magnus was in this position because of me.

As I watched, I felt the tears form in my eyes, knowing that I did this. I cant even describe how horrible I feel, having to watch Magnus go through, wishing there was a way to make it better somehow, but all I could do was him say that everything was going to be okay.

(By the way, that line is inspired by @Rexenia one of my good friends, we were RPING earlier, Malec of course, and she texted a message a little different from it, I only changed a few words because it was in third person we were RPING, while this fanfic is first person, anyway, thankyou Rexie for helping me with that line XXX love ya)

"please....t-tell me your r-r-really here....." Magnus stuttered, not caring anymore, he only needed Alec in his life, and right now, he needed to know he was right there with me, by his side, and that he wasn't going to leave him

"I promise Maggie, right here, right now, I'm here, truly here, and I'm not going anywhere" I promised, I knew that my plane was leaving in around four hours, so I had to tell Magnus what was really going on

I slowly raised one of my hands, as I delicately moved some of Magnus's forest oak shining hair out from his face, my hand gliding up and down his cheek, my body shattering as every second passed, not knowing how I was going to tell him I had to leave.

I didn't know how to do it.

how was I going to tell the one I love that I have to leave?.....

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