"Kara, can I talk to you for a second? Alone?"

"Hey, look, I- I-" Kara looked ready to protest, glancing between her cousin and Lena, "I have nothing to hide from Lena, so-"

"It's about hero business," Superman stated firmly, turning towards the youngest Luthor. "I'm sure you understand?"

"It's fine," Lena waved a reassuring hand, silencing Kara before she had a chance to protest. "I'll just be outside." She had just rounded the bed to head for the door, when she had to stop to avoid running in to Winn, who had suddenly stepped right up in front of Superman.

"Um- Mr.- Superman, sir, I just..." Winn cleared his throat and then, of all things, put his hands on his hips in the same way the two Supers would, while the Kryptonian man's eyebrows raised in surprise. Winn straightened up and looked him squarely in the eye. "Lena's a hero, too."

There was a stunned silence that followed, nobody moving a muscle for a few seconds, before Lena yanked Winn away and told him not to be ridiculous, the two of them stepping out of the med-bay to give the two Supers time to talk.

But that image always stuck in her mind; the sight of Winn squaring his slim shoulders at the Kryptonian who was twice his size and standing up to the man who was his own personal hero.

It was that very same day that Lena went and bought a small plastic badge and had it engraved.


February 20th 2018

If someone would've told Lena two years ago – hell, even a year and a half ago – that one day she'd be spending her evening at an alien dive bar on karaoke night in the company of several people she considered to be her friends and that – oh yeah, by the way – one of them was her girlfriend, she would've thought they were crazy. She might have even laughed and offered a friendly pat on the back of the clearly misguided individual for being a far more benevolent kind of crazy than the usual parade of death threats. Yet tonight, an alien dive bar in the company of her friends and her girlfriend who were animatedly debating what they would sing for karaoke night, was exactly where she was.

And no, she herself was absolutely not singing, no matter how hard Kara begged.

With Maggie dragging Alex to grab more drinks and Winn fussing over the song selections at the bar to try and pick the perfect one, Lena was left alone sitting at their large table with Kara. James had stepped away to call Jess – the only one missing from the group – and that had pulled Lena momentarily out of the cosy atmosphere. Because for the past few weeks, she and Jess had maybe had one or two rushed conversations between the huge workload coming from their delicate collaboration with Kamp Pharmaceutics and it was starting to feel like Jess was avoiding her. Lena knew she was probably being paranoid, but with James telling them that she'd been acting weird lately and now with her bailing on them tonight, Lena was starting to worry somewhat.

She hadn't even had the chance to tell her that Kara was her girlfriend yet for crying out loud!

Speaking of her girlfriend – which was still a surreal thing to say, I mean what the hell, Kara Danvers was her girlfriend – she turned to the side to look at said girlfriend, the blonde woman's eyes already on her as she adjusted her glasses.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Kara suddenly spoke up, fiddling with the straw in her fruity drink.

"Anything," Lena smiled, putting her hand over Kara's hand on the table. Just because she could.

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