Bitter Coffee

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"Sorry V, I've got a bunch of things I need to sort out. Jace is waiting for me so... I guess this is it, huh?" She rubbed her legs before crossing her arms as if to stave off the chill of a sudden breeze.

"Then I'll come help. I want to say goodbye to Jace anyway..." I'd no idea what had come over me at this point. But as I stood staring at her, a slightness of tension rolled from her shoulders as she relaxed a little, letting out a slightly defeated sigh.

"Okay." She said, and immediately we began walking through town. To my instant regret there came a sudden wave of awkwardness that thickened the air in its wake. We walked in this silence, like all the subjects of the world fell short of being worth talking about in this moment.

We both knew what it was. It was me. Hanging on for that last little second, before life changed even further. For good.


Eventually, we'd made our way into a large garage. So large it looked like it could be its own warehouse. Our shoes clacked loudly against the concrete floors, echoing through out the mostly vacant space. There were a few cars, perhaps about five, and one seemed covered underneath a grubby sheet of some kind. The odd power tool lay scattered here and there, and thick, dusty, cobwebs hunkered down in most of the corners.

I felt somewhat uneasy entering this place, as I followed behind Victoria. Like the largeness and almost emptiness of this building was swallowing me whole and I just didn't know it. Like there were eyes on the back of my head, a predator in the brush. Victoria seemed to pick up on my unease as she picked up the pace while humming a cheery tune, that worked in distracting me from my thoughts. Causing me to crack a little smile.

Soon we came across the sound of tools at work. Bangs and clicks from various instruments working in concert against the metal of a car. We found Jace, as he slid out from underneath the vehicle. The white of his tank top smudged with oil and grease, mirrored by his hands and strong arms.

His eyes seemed a little duller than usual. He was never one for showing much emotion other than his normal complacent expression, but here he looks tired and defeated. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes looked a little puffy with redness, and I began to wonder if he had recently just been crying.

" 'sup" He spoke with a nod of the head, while Victoria kissed his cheek, before leaning on the car.

"Are we good to go?" She asked, running her hands along the red sheen in admiration. I wasn't much for cars; knew next to nothing about them. But this one looked nice I suppose. It was a convertible. Red. A manual. I didn't think about it.

"Yeah, we should be good. I'm just gonna get washed up and we can go." He responded turning from me briefly to speak with her.

"Jace, I just wanted to say good bye" I started, awkwardly stepping a little forward. "Look after her will ya? I hope you both live a happy life and have a safe journey."

He yanked me a little roughly into his arms, and gave me a tight squeeze. My back frighteningly popped, but immediately felt good after which made me laugh as he let the hug go. He placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, catching my eyes with his.

"Don't worry, I will, and Listen: I'm sorry about everything okay? About Flint. I'd no idea he would go that far with it." He said, causing me to give a knowing glance towards Victoria who averted her gaze sheepishly.

"It's okay, it wasn't your fault" I responded

"Is Aramis with you? I should probably apologise to him too"

"No, he doesn't--"

"Yes." The deep, unmistakable voice of Aramis sounded behind me, calling my heart to flutter happily as I turned to watch him step from behind a support pillar. I was immediately happier upon his arrival, conflicting with the sudden realisation that he had been following me and watching me without my permission.

My legs made to pull me towards him, answering the yearning it didn't know it was screaming for; yet I held my ground and watched as he looked to Jace and Victoria. Purposefully avoiding my own stare in his own admission of guilt.

Jace was the first to step forward. Opening his arms wide as he latched onto Aramis with a tight hug. Receiving one just as equally as strong in return. They laughed a little as Aramis ruffled Jace's hair and all I could do was smile warmly as the pair shared a few words, a little too mumbly for my curiosity to handle.

Aramis then looked to Victoria over Jace's shoulder, who was standing sheepishly in front of the car. Hands held behind her back as she looked to the floor, like a child in trouble.

Aramis stepped passed Jace, but stopped some of the way. Victoria would have to come to him if she meant her apology. Which she did, first hesitantly, then she threw her arms around his shoulders, causing him to catch her at the waist. The pair squeezed each other for a few seconds, holding on to one another in happy silence.

"This is for taking him away from me." My brow furrowed in confusion at the words that registered in my ears as Victoria stepped away, an angry scowl on her face.

Aramis turned to look at me, a distant look as worry began to sprout in the pit of my chest. My eyes were immediately drawn to the blade in his side that he gripped with his hand.

"Avery?" He called out, taking a step forward; his body flaking into a cloud of embers and ash as it collapsed before me.

A/N: Don't hate me. Shits goin doooooooown find out next time on: Witchbite (enter cheesy theme tune)

WitchBiteOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora