Episode 3 - 2nd round: Everything gets real!

Start from the beginning

> 5 minutes later >

It's been already 5 minutes and I still haven't heard my name. Takako and Michiyo were positioned in the middle. I was surprised that I wasn't positioned into the back despite my poor skills in dancing. What if I was needed to be kicked out of the group and was not eligible to audition?! Oh no this is not good!!! "And finally the 2 front centers of this group is...Ichihara Atsuko and..." I got shaky. Maybe it was true! I will get kicked out of the group! "And...Takahashi Noa!" She announces. "Huh?" I was confused. "Congrats Noa! We'll be centers and we get to dance together!" Acchan congratulated me. "T-thanks." I was nervous, unable to speak. Dancing in front of all of the judges at the audition. "It's okay Noa." Acchan grabbed both of my hands. "I'll help you and you help me and we can pass this audition together. "Acchan...thanks!" I smiled at her. She smiled back.

> A weeks later >

"Aren't you going to eat Noa?" Takako asked. "Sorry I'll catch up with you guys later! I'm staying at the practice room late again. Ever since I was chosen to be one of the centers for the audition, I started staying late and practiced on my own. I played the song.

~ Acchan's Pov ~

I walking to the machine to get a drink when I saw a light inside from one of the practice room windows. I took a peak at the window. I saw Noa practicing. Her Kirara shined so brightly. She improved everyday and practiced harder and harder. I open the practice room door.

~ Noa's Pov ~

The Kirara sang to me while I was practicing. I finished the dance and I heard a door open. "Woah! Noa you are amazing!" Acchan praised me. I started to cry a little cause this is the first time Acchan ever praised me like that! "Thank you!" I said. "You're improving everyday!" She said. "Thank you!" I thanked her one again. "Let's go eat dinner!" Acchan said. "You can go with out me, I still need to practice more." I said. Acchan left after and I continued to practice. I felt my Kirara getting stronger by the minute.

~ Yuko's Pov ~

"Yes! I know! I'll go back to the successors building in a sec!" I talked to Takamina from my cell phone. I started walking in the hallway when I saw a brilliant glow. It came from one of the practice rooms. Then I heard the song "Aitakatta". I peeked at the door window. I saw a girl singing and dancing inside. "Her Kirara's radiance was amazing!" I said to myself. The last person who had a Kirara before becoming a member was Sono Chieri. Well that's what the person who succeeded the name Oshima Yuko before me told me, Oshima Yuko the 9th. My phone went off and I picked it up. "Yuko! What are you doing?! Where are you?!" Takamina yelled through the phone. "Sorry! I got distracted!" I hung up the phone and ran.

~ A couple days later ~

"Listen up everybody!" The dance instructor caught our attention. "You guys need to quit slacking off! The auditions are LITERALLY IN A COUPLE DAYS! You guys need to pull it together or you will not pass the 2nd round of the audition!" The instructor told us. After warming up we got to our positions. "START!" The instructor hit the play button.


I wanted to meet you
I wanted to meet you
I wanted to meet you
I wanted to meet you
I wanted to meet you
I wanted to meet you

On my bike with all my strength
I pedal
And climb this hill
Even with the blowing wind
Against my shirt, I'm still not fast enough

At last I noticed
My true feelings
I want to go on honestly
On this one and only road
I run!


I felt a strong radiance from my Kirara. "That girl..." The instructor was wide eyed by me dancing and radiance. "Rino! Get the rhythm right!" Saki tried to adjust her rhythm. "There you go!" The instructor said to her.

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