Kions judgment

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Hello everyone, anyone who is still interested with this story after the last chapter, welcome. trust me, this chapter will be a doozy, and I'm very proud of it, (it took me 2 days to write).

(Kion's pov)

I fell to the ground below me, it seemed only seconds before I tried to breath again, but I couldn't, I was full of pain. I used the last bit of strength I had to look up at a yellow figure though I could not hear her, and my vision was fading fast, I knew who it was, I tried to talk, but I knew I couldn't, so I decided to just put my paw on the cheetah's cheek, until my vision went dark, the last thing I felt was my paw hitting the cold dirt... until I saw my body below me, all of my friends crowded around me. But I knew what this meant. Was I really gone?

Mufassa: yes kion. It does

Kion: but I can't be dead, they need me

Mufassa: but your here, so what do you want to do?

Kion: what do you mea- burn in hell!

Kion: I. Sorry I don't kn- come on! You know your useless mufassa

At this moment he felt like he was being pulled in half, he looked over too see him, himself staring at him, it was weird.

(K1 is good k2 is bad f1 is formula one) (kill me for that joke, please).

K1: wha, ok what's happening?

K2: you know very well what's happening... mufassa explain!

Mufasa: kion when lions get the mark of evil, their soul splits, to a good and evil form, scar only had a evil side, so he was destroyed when he got bitten by the snake. And you, well your personality is split now, so the evil side of you will go to hell. And... well you, can just stay here.

K1: well, I really don't want to be here in the first place.

Mufassa: we-

K2: no choice on that, now I gotta go see someone, I'll be below you. A portal opened Beneath him and he plunged down to a red area. And kion ascended to the place he knew from many dreams... he was gone, but not gone for good.

(But lets focus on k2 now, because he will be the main villain in the next book.

(K2's pov)

I was descending into the place i would stay forever, my new home, though not as luxurious as kions mind, it would do, as he hit the ground a amber EMP originated from me, and spread across the fiery pit.

??????: well, well, look who we have here, kion... I never thought you could even end up here

K2: well, that snake bite you gave me, it split me in 2, one bad and one good. I'm the bad side, with all the properties of scar, but better.

Ushari: what do you mean by, better?

K2: I am the scar. Not a scar, I am literally the scar, I am the mark of evil, and I... have finally returned.

Ushari gasped, he knew what this meant, this version of Kion was literally the equivalent to the devil. Scar was closed to him, before his soul got vanquished... after all the snake created the scar, the scar gave the roar its bad side, but was balanced by the good heart of the leader of the guard, so when the leader went rouge, he was number one priority for kingdoms to kill the wielder.

To his surprise ushari bowed. But he wanted revenge on that hyena that killed him, his plan did not involve him staying dead.

K2: now... I just need a place to get back to the living.

Ushari: I know the perfect place, just need someone to resurrect you first, and I know just how to do it...

K2: well how do I do that?

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