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Hello everyone! Hope you all are doing great, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

(Kions pov) I woke up to a day of sun, witch made its way into the cave, im lad Owen wasent around last night, he thought

I walked out of the cave towards the tree, I was about 30 feet away from it when I was greeted by rani.

Rani: good morning kion, ready to be healed...again.

Kion: ya, but who's gunna lead the lion guard?

Rani: I will silly.

Kion: ok, but don't you need sleep?

Rani: naaaa, anyway lets get you healed.

Kion: ya good ide-ow! The sooner the better. He growled...

Rani: ok Nirmala, time for round 2

Nirmala: ok rani, kion you know what do do right, but we will have to do a more extensive one, if your scar is bothering you again, it must mean we didn't take care of it well enough the first time, so let's go.

Kion: oh... ok. Lets go!

Rani: good luck kion, watch out for Owen and his crew.

Kion: oh yea, thanks rani.

Rani: no problem kion.

Nirmala: ok, then lets go. Our first stop is a river, but instead of crossing it, you will have to found 40 logs, going down the river.

Kion groaned... ok Nirmala, lets get going

Time skip, because I'm not writing about kion counting logs.

Kion: 40! Ok lets go to the next part and... how long was I counting?

Nirmala: about 7 hours.

Kion: 7!? Ok then, I guess we will continue this tomorrow.

Nirmala: we will have to make it tonight, Owen and his army are planning to attack sometime tomorrow, the next step is those frogs again.

Kion: *yawns* ok Nirmala, lets go

Kion: *gasp* wait if I wasn't completely healed the first time, then that means that the venom was inside me all that time.

Nirmala's face turned to a mixture of fear and curiosity... your right kion, we will try and heal you and if it doesn't work.

Kion: it will work, it has to work, I made a promise I'd never end up like scar.

Nirmala: you won't kion.

Kion: but it's so daunting, I just-

Nirmala: kion, hush, it's be fine.

Kion: ok lets do this.

Nirmala: Frogs come out, kions back,

Frogs: yay!!

Kion: ok I know what to do.

Time skip 10 minutes

(Rani's pov) ok we know owen is going to attack, and we are outnumbered, and now with kion and Nirmala gone, even without the roar, we will win.

Owen: well I don't know about that sweetheart, now your surrounded, give up the ownership to the tree for us or it's bye bye to kion and Nirmala.

Rani: your bluffing,

Owen: ha.. you wish he said with a devilish grin on his face, Muhuja, bring them forward...

Rani: no.... NOOOOO

New start, early problemsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ