A day of mourning

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Welcome, this will be the second to last chapter of this Part of the book, but, there will be a sequel. (Just like I said last time) so yea, hope you enjoy it! (Also this chapter may be depressing, and some may ask why I do what I am going to do in this chapter, and because I don't want everyone to hate me, il upload the final part of this book today, and the next book will be better, I promise). Sorry for the cliffhanger. trust me, it's all in my plan, or plot

Owen slipped away, he knew what he had to do, he saw many animals entering the prison from his bush, then they came out, escorting 3 animals.

Owen: bingo! He whispered, he stalked forward, and as he saw kion pass him, he lunged at the lion, knocking him to the ground.

Kion: hu-

Owen stopped his surprised tone, but he was noticed by simba, who, surprisingly, wasn't to happy about what he just did.

Simba: Owen, it's over, let kion go.

Owen: never, you will pay for blinding me!

He continued to drag kion up to the top of the cave, facing everyone.

Owen: you all may have won, but no one wins a battle without their scars, right kion?

Kion: no, don't please...

Owen: this is your dad's doing kion, and for that he must learn from his mistakes, and you, my friend, are the perfect example...

Simba: NOOO, Owen, lets talk about this please!

Owen pushed kion in-front of him, causing some of the animals to wait.

Kion: wait! Before you do this, you gotta tell me, what happened to azaad?

Owen: fed him a poisoned mushroom, and fed him to my pack.

Fuli: no! Nonono, not kion as well, please Owen, just consider what you are doing, vitani did this, not kion.

Owen: simba? What do you have to offer for your sons life?

simba: I-I, uhhh

Kion: dad! *cough* Just do it!

simba: the pridelands! Just let kion be!

Owen: well, that ship has already sailed... anything else?

simba: what do you want... just name a request...

Owen put on a devilish smile.

Owen: I... want... you... to... mourn. He put his claws next to the trembling lions throat
( hmm, just let me check my list of things to do to make the people reading this hate me, hmm looks like there is one more check box)

(Also graphic details upcoming)

Nala: NOO please, she broke Down, and turned away, not wanting to see what was going to happen next

Owen: 3..2..1...

Owen: bye bye, Prince.

He raked his claw past kion throat, kion let out a blood curdling scream, it was cut short, and he fell over, the blood from his wound pooling around his head.

Owen: let me see, oh yes.

Owen: LONG LIVE THE KING, as he finished this, and he kicked kion off of the cave enterence, and he laughed as kion hit the ground.
the ground.

...(this line is for people to rate how much they hate me right now, scale of one to 10 lol)

Graphic details over.

Simba rushed over to kion, with rani, fuli, and nala by his side, but fuli was closer than the others.


Kion tried to speak, but was stopped by the unreadable gurgling from his wound.

Fuli was directly over the lion's face by now, crying.

Kion continued to try and breath, and speak, the light in his eyes starting to fade... without warning, he put his paw on Fuli's cheek, held it there for a few seconds, fuli grabbed Kion's paw, comforting him, he looked into Fuli's eyes, before his eyes closed, and his paw fell to the ground.

Simba looked at the dead body of his son, speechless of what just happened.

Evryone else did the same, except fuli, who just laid down next to to the already cold kion.

Next rani came forward, and put her head on kions mane.

Owen: a lesson indeed! he shouted, army, follow me... they all got up and ran after Owen, who disappeared just like that.

Rani was crying, but everyone was, that knew what just happened at least. Kion's neck slowly stopped oozing blood.

Nala: kion. no.

Rani got up, went to the top of the cave entrance.

Rani: everyone! We've won, but this battle didn't come without its scars, to those who didn't just see the scene that just unfolded, I regret to inform you that Kion... is dead... killed by Owen, now... everyone, we will hold kions funeral tomorrow, today, rest. She got off her spot, and started to the tree, followed by the nightpride and Ono.

The animals of the tree of life departed, but the only ones that stayed there, was fuli, and the pridelanders, all gatherd around Kion, not daring to speak... until someone just couldn't handle the silence any more.

Vitani: d-did that really just happen?

Simba: this is a dream, we are all gunna wake up soon right??? Right?!

Fuli: t-this isn't a dream simba, that just happened, and Owen got away...

Simba he will pay... He will pay with his life. He said in a low, shaky voice.

Nala was still unable to talk, she was too busy crying... even vitani shed a single tear. Before agreeing with simba. After that they took kions body into the cave, and slept in the cave.


Nirmala: rani, bunga and beshte are dead, and kion is dead to, so ono is the only part of the guard that can accualy search... and we need to be here, to patrol.


Nirmala walked forward to the lioness.


Nirmala: rani, just calm down.

Rani: NO! HE HAS TO PAY...... he..has..to..pay. She broke down crying

Nirmala came forward and nuzzled her mourning friend.

Rani: thank you nirmala.

Javin: it's going to be ok...

Rani: yea, I know I just need to be alone right now.

And that does it for this chapter, I doubt you enjoyed, but if you did... I'm suprized. The last chapter of this part of the story.

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