Run to the pridelands pt.1 (kions pov)

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Hello evryone, I'm back with another chapter, I'm writing this 20 days in advance, I don't know why. But anyways enjoy the chapter.

(Kion's pov)

I watched rani run into the distance, I saw the blood from her wounds leaving a trail behind her. I was in shock of what just happened.

Kion: your a real monster, you know that Owen.

Owen: hehehehe yep I know that. Now Muhuja, get her.

Kion: no! You let her go.

Kion jumped at Owen, pinning him. Snarling at his face.

Hbah instantly pushed kion of of Owen, he smashed kions head on a wall, kion instantly got knocked out.

Owen: take the fur ball and azaad to the tree, il heal them, take Fuli and the others to the prison. Once there healed, I need to have a talk with kion...

Hbah: but how do we get past the field?

Owen: I know how. He said.

Kion was carried to the tree, and azaad was to. Once they got to the entrance, they saw two emerald eyes.

Fuli: kion?

Owen: guess again.

Fuli: who are you?

Owen: I am Owen, he said, Fuli saw kion on his back. And azaad on another lions back.

Fuli: you! What did you do? Slightly yelling.

Owen: I won, is what happened. He laid the unconscious kion next to Fuli.

Fuli: Kion? Kion! She started to cry.

Owen: now I gotta take you to our prison, can't have you in my palace.

Fuli, who was still crying, quietly said... you monster.

Owen: so I've heard, anyway, lets go, she grabbed Fuli, and carried her away.

Fuli: kion! No. She yelled. She saw azaad take place of her. And she was Carried to the cave.

She was placed down in the cave, then Owen just left. Everyone in the cave was asking her questions, mostly about kion.

Fuli: stop! Il answer questions, one at a time.

Nirmala: hows kion!

Fuli: he's knocked out, and so is azaad, he's healing them for some reason...

Nirmala: he must want something with them. Azaad betrayed Owen, so he must want to teach him a lesson.

Fuli: he wants kion dead, but I think Owen needs him, maybe as blackmail.  She suggested.

Nirmala: well that makes sense. Lets just hope he's ok.

Everyone: agreed.

(Kion's pov)

I woke up, I looked around to see I was in the tree. I was shocked to see Owen, healing us.

Kion: well I Didn't expect that a man who seems to only know war and pain, also know how to heal...

Owen: well I have experience with it.

Kion: I know that's why I'm surprised.

Owen: I used to be in a pack, I was the healer...

Kion: what happened to the pack?

Owen: we were ambushed by a pride of lions, I tried to save them, but I couldn't, so I ran, I swore to make them pay, so I killed them all, 2 of them swore there allegiance to me. And I continued to kill kings, for revenge.

Kion: wow, I'm not sorry though, doing a massacre of kings wasn't cool.

Owen: I could kill you right now you know. But I need you. Now that your healed, I need some information...

Kion: what information?

Owen: I need to know who's coming to help you, there strengths and weaknesses.

Kion: and why would I do that?

Owen chuckled.

Owen: well it's a bit of a dick move, but if you don't tell me, I will kill azaad.

Kion: your right that is a dirty move... ha I think I'm good then.

Owen got closer to azaad, unsheathing his claws.

Kion: you already know who's coming, are you just doing this for fun?

Owen: partially, but I just want answers. He swiped at azaad's leg, then started to make the wound deeper, evrytime kion said no.

Kion: no he said for the third time, witch caused Owen to make his wound deeper.

Kion: stop... just please stop.

Owen: tell me then

Kion NO.

Owen lifted his claws from the wound, and moved his bloody paws to his throat.

Kion: no no no, uhh fine.

Owen: good choice, he re-sheathed his claw. And sat infront of kion,

Owen: now tell me about them.

Kion: the king and queen will probably be there, along with Vitani and the lion guard, she also has the roar.

Owen: ANOTHER lion has the roar, he hit Kion's face, sending him to the ground. This made Kion's scar hurt like hell

Kion: how dare you! Don't do that.

Owen: what?

Kion: oh you think your so clever... well let me tell you this, in the end you will die!

Owen: wow ok I disentangle know that your scar made you like... scar..

Kion swiped at Owen, who just hit him to the ground.

Owen: you calmed down.

Kion: yea.

Owen: good, he bashed Kion's head into the ground, knocking him out, after that he took kion to the prison, threw him in, and sealed the cave shut.

Fuli: who is that?

Fuli noticed the red mohawk, and that all she needed to see in order to tell who he was...

Fuli: kion!

But she got no response,

Kion? Everyone said, but kion just laid there, unmoving. It was a couple hours before the cave re-opened and a cheetah was thrown in. He hit kion, jilting the lion awake.

Kion: woah! That scared me.

Everyone: KION, they all ran forward, and greeted the lion, who they admitted, they were surprised to see him alive.

Kion: yea I'm alive, he said in a depressed tone, then he just walked to the side of the cave, laid down, and just started crying.

Fuli, who's leg still stopped her from walking, just inched to kion.

Kion: Fuli, your ok. He sounded horrible, his voice drowned in tears.

Fuli: kion what happened?

Kion: well, he almost killed azaad to get information out of me, then he knocked me out, then I guess I'm in here now.

Fuli: wow he just is cold blooded isn't he?

Kion: yea, but if you don't mind I'd like to be alone for now.

Fuli: well I just used all of my strength to get over here, so I guess I'm staying.

Kion: ok I know your leg hurts. But to his surprise Fuli just layed down next to kion, though kion was hurt, he just accepted it, and he layed down next to Fuli, and fell asleep.

Well that's it for the part of this chapter. Hope you all enjoyed.

Anyways peace.

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