Episode 1: Rumors

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Narrator's pov

The people begin to whisper about something which Yugi and rest we're curious about, but not only there but the academy, satélite,neo dominó city etc so they Split up to gather información about this so call rumor

Yugi's pov:

Yugi: excuse me but whats going on?

Random guy: hm? Idk something about a duelist or something - drinks some cocaína - WOO!!! - goes on a rampage and some FBI squad Tackle him-

Yugi: 0_0" - slowly walks away- okay ( " a duelist?" )

Yami Yugi: ( so they being talking of a duelist? What duelist Is the question Partner?)

Yugi: ( idk but Lets hope the rest )

- at the academy -

Jaden's pov:

Jaden: hey whats going on?

Slifer student: didn't you heard? A duelist using a deck which Is fill i think of magicians and some fusión monsters agains a Cheater and His gang, at first i Thought they talk about the King of games Yugi but some guy with a mask cover His mouth using very interesting deck

Jaden: WOW really? Do you what deck he got?

Slifer 2: idk but i think Is call " magician of chaos " or something?

Jaden: oh nice can't wait to duel this person - excited -

Syrus: uhm idk Jaden maybe its imposible to find him

????: Don't worry about it

Jaden: oh! Johan hey there buddy

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Jaden: oh! Johan hey there buddy

Johan: - whispers - there he rumors about at the abandon factory near a highway, we can see the duelist first Time

Jaden: alright! - yells of exciting-

Syrus: shhh! Jaden

Jaden: oh jejeje sorry there ^^"

- meanwhile at neo dominó city-

Yusei's pov:

Yusei: so this duelist Is using a deck fill of magicians but what about His Ace monster?

When i ask them akiza,leo and luna just shrug not knowing the Ace monster nor other abiliys

When i ask them akiza,leo and luna just shrug not knowing the Ace monster nor other abiliys

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Leo: but i heard he rides His D-wheeler at night, so if we can like catch him at night...

Luna: we can see His identity!

Leo: exactly!

????: There Is a problem though - walks in-

Yusei: hm? Whats you mean crow?

Crow: it won't be Easy to find him even on night, he only appear when someone Is either cheating or those obelisk force too

Yusei: hmmm

- meanwhile at Yuma's house-

Yuma's pov:

Yuma: this duelist Is getting everyone Wanna duel this guy, geez

Astral: i sense he holds a number Card but i don't know which number Is

Yuma: wait so he can Xys summon? Great just great -_-"

Astral: you must find him and recover it

- meanwhile at the Entertainment academy-

Yuya's pov:

Yuya: EH!? You saw what now?

Sora: a duelist using four dragons!

Yuya: odd eyes,dark rebelión,clear wing and starve Venom dragón..this Is bad, we better find that duelist and fast

- narrator's pov-

Yuya,Yugi,Yusei and Jaden gather and begin to form a plan to find this duelist and to convince him while Alexis for some reason was distracted as a image of Y/n smile just pop out

Akiza: Alexis?

Alexis: hm? Sorry it's just that...- sigh-

Akiza: ....

- nightime at the graveyard-

At the graveyard a kid duelist was scare and run away from a kid with creepy palé and laugh a bit and it's name call bonz, the zombie duelist

Bonz: jajaja that kid when running home to His Mommy

Guy 1: jaja if you keep this up you can even beat that duelist that everyone Is being talking

Guy 2: yeah!

????: Oh?

Bonz &two guys: !!

????: - walks slowly from the Shadows and the wind blow -

????: - walks slowly from the Shadows and the wind blow -

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Bonz: sh-shit

????: It seems you being searching for me correct? Well?

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????: It seems you being searching for me correct? Well?

Bonz: - gulp- w-well... I can be the first one who can defeat you! - pulls out His duel disk-

????: Hmph- pulls out His duel disk- you Will remember the one who defeated you, my name Is reaper magician, remember that for Is your last

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????: Hmph- pulls out His duel disk- you Will remember the one who defeated you, my name Is reaper magician, remember that for Is your last

Bonz&reaper magician: DUEL!

Episode 1 end

the dark duelist ( male duelist reader x Yu-gi-oh harem)Where stories live. Discover now