Chapter 1: Welcome to Coffee Sanctuary

Start from the beginning

We serve all kinds of coffee, sandwhiches and different types of breakfast. Also, it's a sanctuary for people who's trying to find peace in this busy city. There are books and magazines free to read as you savour the tasty coffee.

I went to my office to check the inventory before we open. Samantha followed and brought me my breakfast - two toasts, bacon and eggs with diced hash browns on the side and black coffee.

"Do you need anything else, ma'am... Brie?" she asked slightly fumbling on her words when she tried to call me by my name.

"No, thank you. Go help the others" I answered with a smile.

Samantha is like a younger sister to me, she's just 18 years old. She decided to work full-time for me so she can quickly save money and enroll in a University. Her hair is black and short, about 5 feet tall, pale white skin and small eyes which smiles whenever she does.

I finished up checking the inventory for today while eating my breakfast and made sure that all of my employees scheduled for today are here. I looked at the clock and it's five minutes before 10. I grabbed my name tag and bunned my hair before I step out of my office.

I looked around before I flip the sign to "Open", because once I do, in less than fifteen minutes people will start to come in like bees trying to make honey.

I always help out my employees specially during peak hours, which is basically from the time we open until lunch time. I have limited resources when it comes to staff so I have to be hands-on. Time will come that I can hire more people but for now, we have to make it work.

"Good morning, will you have the usual?" I asked Ben as soon as I approached his table.

"Don't I always?" he replied with a soft voice and sweet smile.

Ben is one of my regular customers. He's a retired veteran and likes spending his time in my café. Every morning he reads the newspaper while drinking his coffee on his favorite spot - the corner table near the counter. According to him, the aroma of the freshly brewed coffee soothes his mind, that's why he likes sitting near where the coffee machine is.

"Here you go, Ben" I said as I place Ben's coffee on his table.

"You know? That smile could be sweeter" he replied with a husky voice.

"Sorry?" I asked.

"Your smile, it could be sweeter. Maybe you need to find a man for it to be more sweet" he answered.

"Oh, Ben. I don't know about that"

"You'll never know, or perhaps a beautiful lady like you?" he said with a sly smile.

"Enjoy your coffee" I replied and gave him an embarassed smile.

I don't know if I'm that obvious or he's just been going here for a long time that he might have noticed that.

I dated men before, but I find myself more attracted to women. I have had several girlfriends back in college and even before I put up this business. I also had flings with other girls whom I've met here but in all those relationships, I never felt happy. I don't know, maybe I'm too boring that even relationships don't excite me.

Yes, there would be butterflies whenever we kiss, an unexplainable feeling whenever we make love but every time that's not happening, I feel that my life is just so dull. I tried to stay positive about everything, but I guess I'm doing a terrible job at it that even an old veteran would notice I am not happy.


Hours went by fast whenever we're busy. I just noticed that it's already 10 PM when Samantha came in to my office with the money from the cash register.

"Here's for today" she said.

"Thank you, take care on your way home" I replied.

"You'll stay late again?" she asked.

"I just need to finish up the numbers for today before I head home"

"Since Sir Rey went on vacation you've never spent any time outside the café" Samantha said concernedly.

Rey is my assistant manager and because he's on vacation for a month, I had to do both of our work.

"I'm fine, don't worry too much. I'm a big girl" I replied and winked at her. She waved goodbye and stepped out of the office.

Few moments later, I've finished my work, locked everything and went home.

I arrived in a big empty house. I sighed as I placed my keys on my side table and laid on my bed. I'm happy about my work and business. I'm also glad that I am able to help people get a job, but the whole thing is very monotonous.

Will this be my life everyday? Plain and boring, only revolves around the café and...boring.

I browsed through my phone and saw my friends' social media posts. Most of them are getting married, some have kids, others are going on vacation with their partners.

I stopped and placed my phone down. I tried to recall my past relationships, do I have the same smile as my friends whenever I'm with my partner? Do we go out and explore the world? Did I ever think about marrying any of them?

Shit! I can't answer those questions, even for myself. Am I that independent that my happiness doesn't involve another person?

Maybe I'm meant to be alone. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

Alright! That's to start our new story. This book will be updated on a regular basis -- Sunday CST

See you again next update. Please comment and vote! ;)

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